9 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Growth & What to Expect

by BabyYumYum
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Pregnancy week by week Pregnancy at 9 weeks, 9 weeks pregnant
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At 9 weeks pregnant, your baby is growing rapidly and now about the size of a cherry. Exciting changes are happening, including the formation of tiny muscles and the development of vital organs. For many mums-to-be, this week might bring noticeable symptoms like fatigue, nausea, or mood swings as your body adjusts to pregnancy.

This is an important time to prioritise your health, attend prenatal appointments, and prepare for the changes ahead. Let’s explore what’s happening at 9 weeks, how your baby is developing, and tips to help you through this stage.

9 weeks pregnant


Your baby at 9 weeks

The ninth week marks the end of the embryonic period and the beginning of the foetal period, which will last until birth.

By the ninth week, your baby can move his limbs around and his muscles are getting stronger. However, you won’t be able to feel them move because they are still too small but you will be able to hear their heartbeat through an ultrasound.

Your baby has fully functional taste buds at this stage, along with fully developed ears. The head and neck are also more noticeable, and a tiny face will have started to take form. The limbs will have fingers and toes by now, and the arms can bend at the elbow. Internally, your baby will be developing a spleen, liver, intestines, and gall bladder. Although the genitals are almost fully developed, you won’t be able to tell the sex of the baby yet.

ALSO CHECK OUT: Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

Your body at 9 weeks

Here are some of the things you will notice with your body:

pregnancy at 9 weeks symptoms tender breasts

  • Frequent urination: You will be going to the bathroom more often at this stage. This is because your uterus is growing and putting pressure on your pelvic muscles and bladder. Try to drink more fluids during the day and a little less at night if you want uninterrupted sleep.
  • Fatigue: You will probably be used to getting tired very easily by now, and you might also get dizzy spells once in a while. Lots of fluids and regular rest will help with this.
  • Trouble sleeping: If you are uncomfortable in bed, try lying on one side and putting a pillow between your thighs. If you are losing sleep because you need to use the bathroom a lot, reduce your fluid intake before going to bed.
  • Nausea: You will likely still have bouts of morning sickness because you are still in the first trimester.
  • Bloating and gas: This will be quite common. Instead of eating a heavy meal all at once, try to eat small portions throughout the day.
  • Constipation: An easy fix for this is drinking lots of fluids, eating more fruit and incorporating more fibre in your diet.
  • Heartburn: This is also quite common, especially after hearty meals. Sugarless gum has been shown to help ease heartburn, so stock up on it. Also, consider eating more vitamin-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables. If your heartburn is too severe, ask your doctor for the best remedy or antacid.
  • Breast tenderness: Your breasts will be larger, and you will notice some tenderness.
  • Mood swings: This is completely normal. All the hormones swirling around in your body are to blame.

Again, it is important to mention that every mom is different. These are just general symptoms that you can expect. You might experience all of them or just one or two of them, or even none at all. Consult your doctor if you have any concerns or if you notice anything unexpected.

Taking care of yourself during this time

It’s important to try to get as much rest as you can right now – in fact, your body will probably demand it. Try to eat a balanced diet and exercise.

Here are a few symptoms that should be checked by a doctor as soon as you notice them:

The Lily Rose Collection
The Lily Rose Collection
  • Fainting and frequent dizzy spells
  • Bleeding
  • Depression
  • Severe headaches or abdominal pain
  • Unexpected swelling of the face, hands or feet

FAQs: 9 Weeks Pregnant – Baby Growth & What to Expect

How big is the baby at 9 weeks pregnant?

At 9 weeks, your baby is roughly the size of a cherry, measuring about 2 to 2.5 cm in length. Although still small, major developmental changes are taking place.

What developmental milestones happen around this stage?

Your baby’s facial features continue to become more distinct, and the eyes are more clearly visible. The arms, legs, hands, and feet grow rapidly, and the heartbeat is getting stronger.

What pregnancy symptoms might I experience at 9 weeks?

Many women still experience morning sickness, fatigue, and breast tenderness. Some also notice mood swings, frequent urination, and food aversions or cravings.

Is it normal to have mild cramps or spotting at 9 weeks?

Light cramping and occasional spotting can happen as the uterus expands. Contact your healthcare provider if you experience heavy bleeding, severe pain, or any unusual symptoms.

When can I have my first ultrasound?

Some women have their first ultrasound around 8–10 weeks to confirm the pregnancy, check the baby’s heartbeat, and estimate the due date. Your doctor will advise you on the best timing.

Why do I feel so tired?

Your body is working extra hard to support the developing baby, and hormonal changes can add to fatigue. Rest whenever you can, maintain a balanced diet, and stay hydrated to help manage tiredness.

How can I cope with morning sickness at 9 weeks?

Try small, frequent meals and avoid strong smells. Ginger tea or ginger biscuits can soothe nausea for some. If morning sickness becomes severe or you can’t keep fluids down, speak to your doctor.

What should I focus on in my diet right now?

Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy (or alternatives). Avoid high-mercury fish, undercooked meats, and unpasteurised products. Prenatal vitamins with folic acid and iron are also important—check with your doctor for personalised advice.

The Lily Rose Collection
The Lily Rose Collection

Are there any lifestyle changes I should make at 9 weeks?

Continue avoiding alcohol, smoking, and recreational drugs. Limit caffeine and stay active with gentle exercise, like walking or yoga, unless advised otherwise by your healthcare provider.

Should I be worried if some symptoms come and go?

It’s normal for pregnancy symptoms to vary day to day. If you notice a sudden drop in symptoms or feel concerned, consult your healthcare provider for reassurance.

Is it safe to travel at 9 weeks?

Generally, early pregnancy travel is safe, but discuss any long trips with your doctor, especially if you have a complicated medical history. Make sure to stay hydrated and take breaks if you’re driving.

When should I schedule my next prenatal appointment?

Prenatal check-ups usually occur every four weeks during the first trimester. If you haven’t yet had your first appointment, it’s a good idea to contact your doctor or midwife for guidance on scheduling.

Click here for pregnancy at 8 weeks

Click here for pregnancy at 10 weeks

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