At 33 weeks pregnant, you’re well into the third trimester, and your baby is growing rapidly. The size of your baby at 33 weeks is about that of a pineapple. They are about 43cm from the top of their head to their heel (crown-heel length) and weigh approximately 1.9kg. Their brain is developing rapidly, and their bones are hardening, although their skull remains soft to make birth easier. Your little one is also practising essential skills like sucking and breathing, and their brain is developing at a remarkable rate. You might also notice stronger kicks as your baby continues to build strength.
33 weeks pregnant is how many months? 8 months! Only one more to go till the big day, give or take a few weeks.
At this stage, symptoms like swelling, fatigue, and Braxton Hicks contractions may become more noticeable. Prioritising self-care is essential—rest when needed, practise light stretches to relieve discomfort, and make sure to stay hydrated. Rest when needed, and wearing supportive clothing can help ease discomfort. Let’s dive into what to expect at 33 weeks pregnant and share some helpful tips for thriving during this exciting time.
Your baby at 33 weeks
Your baby is still growing steadily at this point, gaining around 200g a day which means your belly is expanding rapidly too. With this much baby taking up your uterus, the amniotic fluid will have started to lessen to make space for your foetus. That is also the reason that kicks and pokes may be feeling extra sharp.
ALSO CHECK OUT: Pregnancy Due Date Calculator
Here are the key developments that babies at 33 weeks go through:
Bone development
At this stage, your baby’s bones are starting to become harder and stronger. Their skulls, however, will remain soft and flexible enough to fit through the birth canal and allow for their brain to grow in the early years. Don’t worry if your baby’s head looks a little misshapen at birth, the soft spots will fuse together sometime in their first 2 years.
Immune system
Your little one now has their own immune system – this is a big milestone. Your body has started to pass on antibodies to your fetus so that they can safely enter the germ-filled outside world.
They are also very thirsty at this stage, drinking almost 0.5L of amniotic fluid a day. This helps prepare your baby’s gastrointestinal system for out-the-womb living.
Differentiate light and dark
At 33 weeks your little one will be acting more like a baby. Their eyes start opening when they’re awake and closing when they sleep.
Your uterus walls will have thinned at this stage allowing more light to penetrate through, creating more day and night differentiation for your 33-week foetus. In fact, their eyes will have developed enough by now that their pupils respond to light.
Your body at 33 weeks pregnant
Between hormone fluctuations and your watermelon-sized belly, it’s no secret that your body is going through big changes. You may notice new symptoms making their appearance or old ones returning.
Here are some common things to expect around 33 weeks pregnant:
- Insomnia. You may find that at this stage, getting any shut-eye is a rare luxury. This misfortune befalls about 3 in 4 pregnant women. Between midnight bathroom runs, and your mind running at a thousand miles an hour with birth anxieties, it’s no wonder sleep feels like a lost cause. However, at 33 weeks, your body is feeling the taxing effects of your ever-growing little one, and rest is crucial – for both of your sakes. Try taking a warm bath to wind down before bedtime and avoid all screens before going to sleep.
- Back pain. An unfortunate effect of a growing belly is the strain it starts putting on your back. Be sure to bend at your knees, not your back, when picking things up, and avoid carrying heavy things. To ease the discomfort, try doing some gentle backbends. As you stand upright, place your hands on your back and bend slightly backward, about 20 degrees. It’s also not too late to start some pregnancy exercises like pilates, to strengthen your back muscles.
- Varicose veins. An unfortunate but common ailment of pregnant women is Varicose veins and can develop at any time during pregnancy, likely as you get bigger. These large swollen blood vessels, usually found in the legs, are mostly not threatening or something to worry about. They’ll shrink down after birth, along with the rest of you.
How to take care of yourself at 33 weeks pregnant
As the big day draws nearer every day, it’s important that you take care of yourself so that both you and your baby can thrive. Whether your body is feeling the strain or your anxieties about your upcoming birth are at an all-time high, there are ways to minimise the effects.
Here are some tips and advice for you at 33 weeks pregnant:
- Relieve swelling. Your feet and ankles will likely be acting up and causing you some discomfort at this point. It’s advisable to kick your feet up every chance you get – you deserve it. This should take the pressure off your blood vessels and lessen the swelling. Also try taking regular little brisk walks, even if it’s around the coffee table – getting moving will help. Buying comfortable shoes is advisable too.
- Get prepared. A large part of your wellness is your mental health. If you find that you’re extremely anxious about your impending due date, it may begin to affect things like your rest and cortisol levels which are not good for you or your baby. In the uncertainty of what lies ahead, it may be helpful to be as prepared and organised as possible. Getting your house ready, Packing your hospital bag, and discussing things like your birth plan with your partner, could ease some of those worries.
- Avoid foods that upset your digestion. Eating things like pasta or dairy if you’re even slightly lactose or gluten intolerant will lead to bloating, fatigue, indigestion, and heartburn. These are uncomfortable and should rather be avoided. Stick to nutritious whole foods. This will not only benefit the health of you and your little one but go a long way in helping how you feel in your body. Try not letting unhealthy pregnancy cravings run away with you. Moderation is always key as well as finding healthier alternatives to some of your favourites.
FAQs: 33 Weeks Pregnant – What to Expect & Tips for Mum
How big is my baby at 33 weeks?
By around 33 weeks, your baby is roughly the size of a pineapple, measuring about 43–44 cm from head to heel and weighing around 2–2.2 kg. Each pregnancy can differ slightly, so don’t worry if your baby’s measurements vary a little.
What developments are happening with my baby now?
Your baby’s bones keep hardening, though the skull remains flexible to help with birth. Their lungs and brain continue to mature, and they may be practising swallowing and breathing movements in preparation for life outside the womb.
Which pregnancy symptoms might I experience at 33 weeks?
You could notice more pronounced back or pelvic pain, heartburn, shortness of breath, or frequent urination. Braxton Hicks contractions may also become more frequent as your body readies itself for labour.
Is weight gain expected at this stage?
Yes, many expectant mums continue to gain weight during the third trimester. If you’re concerned about the rate or amount of weight gain, speak with your midwife or doctor for personalised guidance. Check out our Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator.
How can I manage back or pelvic discomfort?
Consider practising gentle prenatal exercises like swimming or yoga, ensure you have supportive footwear, and use cushions for extra comfort when sitting or sleeping. If pain becomes severe, seek advice from your healthcare provider.
What if I feel fewer baby movements?
You’ll likely still feel movements, although space is getting tighter. If you notice a sudden decrease in your baby’s usual pattern, contact your midwife or doctor to check everything is progressing normally.
How do I deal with heartburn or indigestion?
Try eating smaller, more frequent meals, avoid lying down straight after eating, and reduce spicy or acidic foods. If heartburn is persistent, ask your healthcare provider about safe treatment options.
Is it safe to continue exercising at 33 weeks?
In many cases, yes. Low-impact activities like walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga can be beneficial unless your healthcare provider has advised against exercise. Always follow professional advice tailored to your pregnancy.
Should I have a birth plan in place by now?
Many people finalise a birth plan around this point. Discuss your preferences for pain relief, birthing positions, and any other considerations with your midwife or doctor to ensure your wishes are understood.
How can I manage swelling at 33 weeks?
Elevating your legs, wearing comfortable shoes, and staying hydrated can help with mild swelling. If swelling becomes sudden or severe, particularly in your hands or face, seek medical advice promptly.
What about Braxton Hicks contractions?
Braxton Hicks are typically irregular, painless tightenings of the uterus. They help your body prepare for labour. If contractions become painful, regular, or more frequent, it’s wise to consult your healthcare provider to rule out preterm labour.
When should I call my healthcare provider?
Contact your midwife or doctor if you experience significant bleeding, severe pain, fluid leakage, or a marked decrease in baby movements. It’s always safer to seek professional advice if you have any concerns.
Disclaimer: This information is intended as a general guide and does not replace personalised medical advice. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for questions or concerns about your pregnancy.
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