What to Expect at 32 Weeks Pregnant + Helpful Pregnancy Tips

by BabyYumYum
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Baby Yum Yum - Pregnancy at 32 weeks
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Congratulations—you’re 32 weeks pregnant! At week 32 of pregnancy, your baby is about 42cm (16-17 inches) long from crown to heel and weighs about 1.7kg (3.5 – 5 lbs). They are about the size of a napa cabbage (also known as Chinese cabbage). Their body is becoming rounder as they gain fat, and they’re practising key survival skills like sucking and breathing. Your little one may also start settling into a head-down position in preparation for birth.

Should your baby be born any time from this week onwards, they would have every chance of being healthy, as most of their major organs are fully developed. 

pregnancy week 32 fetus size and weight compared to vegetable

At this stage, symptoms like fatigue, heartburn, and swelling might become more noticeable as your body supports your growing baby. Staying active with gentle exercises, eating small, balanced meals, and prioritising rest can help ease these discomforts. Let’s explore what to expect at 32 weeks pregnant and share some tips to help you through this phase.

Your baby at 32 weeks

The baby’s digestive tract is functional, and the baby is sucking its thumb and learning to swallow. It’s also moving about a little more erratically, as it manoeuvres for a comfortable position. 

It spends its time curled up tightly. There isn’t that much space to work with anymore, after all. That said, unborn babies at 32 weeks move in a way that feels more like jabs and kicks, as opposed to gentle movements. 

Most organs are fully formed

Only the lungs are not quite completely functional yet.  But the baby is actually learning to inhale amniotic fluid, which is giving the lungs some much-needed conditioning and practice. As for the rest of the organs, all the systems should be fully developed and ready to function.

Fingernails are growing

Amazingly, babies are born with fingernails, and you can see them growing from this point. 

Hearing voices

Continue talking to the baby, and encourage family and your partner to do the same. Studies show that babies actually recognise familiar voices once they are born. It’s a great bonding exercise for a partner, but also for other children in the family. 

Fetal position

Your baby is ready to move into the delivery position from this point. That is head down and bottom up, which does make birth a little easier. Some do choose to move later than others, so don’t be concerned if yours hasn’t positioned yet. 

ALSO CHECK OUT: Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

Your body: What to expect at 32 weeks

If you’ve been feeling out of breath and tired, remember that you’re carrying another human being around and essentially doing the work for two. Your baby’s size is impacting your lungs, reducing their capacity. 

The Lily Rose Collection
The Lily Rose Collection

You may also notice a change to your belly button. Some begin to stick out, while others flatten out. Either way, if you haven’t already removed any jewellery or piercings from this area, now would be the time.What to expect at 32 weeks

  • Braxton Hicks contractions. These ‘practise contractions’ are likely continuing and are just your body getting ready for labour. First-time moms do not usually experience them as much, but previous moms will likely get them earlier and more intensely. 
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome. Tingling in the fingers and hands – a sort of carpal tunnel syndrome – is common in pregnant moms-to-be. Try to shake it out as often as necessary, and remember to take breaks from hand-intensive work.
  • Constipation. Your hormones are a little amok, naturally. One unfortunate side-effect is a disruption to your normal bodily functions. Constipation symptoms are common at this stage of pregnancy, also in part due to the changing shape of your body’s internal organs. 
  • Leg cramps. You might be experiencing cramps in your calves and thighs. Sometimes they can be quite painful. Try to gently stretch out when you can. Sometimes you can alleviate a spasm by standing barefoot on a cold surface or using an ice pack. 
  • Colostrum. Your breasts may now be producing a substance called colostrum. It’s a sort of precursor to mother’s milk and is packed with essential nutrients and proteins that your baby will need in the first few days after birth. This fluid is usually sticky and slightly yellow.
  • Itchy belly. Your itchy belly is continuing as the skin continues to stretch. Keep on using moisturisers and creams to reduce scratching, and take care of the dry skin. 

Taking care of yourself during week 32 of pregnancy 

Remember that you are just as important as the baby!  Managing your changing body, fluctuating hormones, and stress levels are key to enjoying the experience.

So here’s what you can do, and what to expect at 32 weeks:Taking care of yourself during week 32 of pregnancy

  • Prepare your hospital bag. At close to 8 months pregnant, this may be the moment it all gets real! Time to pack that bag for a hospital stay, as the moment could happen at any time. 
  • There are some things to remember: You’ll need extra underwear, socks, pyjamas, and some personal care items. Don’t forget a few items you don’t mind getting sweaty during labour. The baby will also need clothes, comfy wraps, and several receiving blankets. If you anticipate needing special post-birth items (maternity bra and/or breast pads) pack these, too. And don’t forget the paperwork.
  • Light exercises will benefit your body. If you can maintain some sort of light exercise, you definitely should. Aside from the physical leg-up, so to speak, you’ll also feel better mentally and emotionally. 
  • Drink lots of water.  Not only will this help with those constipation symptoms, but it will keep a good dilution balance for your urine, too. 
  • Eat… but don’t eat everything all at once. Chances are your body will be demanding all kinds of sustenance. Concentrate on eating small amounts more often, as opposed to large meals.
  • Pelvic tilts and Kegel exercises. If you are able, try light pelvic tilts. It will strengthen the muscles you’ll need during birth. Also, remember to keep up those Kegels.

FAQs: 32 Weeks Pregnant – What to Expect & Helpful Pregnancy Tips

How big is my baby at 32 weeks?

Your baby is approximately the size of a squash, measuring around 42–43 cm from head to heel and weighing about 1.7–2.0 kg. Keep in mind these figures can differ slightly from one pregnancy to another.

What developments are happening with my baby now?

Your baby’s bones continue to harden, although the skull remains slightly flexible for birth. They’re also practising breathing movements by inhaling amniotic fluid, and brain development is rapidly advancing.

Which pregnancy symptoms might I notice at 32 weeks?

Common symptoms include increasing backache, pelvic pressure, frequent urination, heartburn, and mild swelling in your ankles or feet. Braxton Hicks contractions may become more frequent as your body prepares for labour.

Is weight gain expected at this stage?

Yes, weight gain often continues into the late third trimester. If you have concerns about your rate of weight gain, discuss them with your midwife or doctor for personalised guidance. Check out the BabyYumYum Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator

How can I manage back or pelvic pain?

Maintain good posture, perform gentle prenatal exercises (like swimming or yoga), and consider using a pregnancy support belt. If pain becomes severe, consult your healthcare provider.

The Lily Rose Collection
The Lily Rose Collection

What about baby movements at 32 weeks?

You’ll likely feel strong kicks and rolls as space gets tighter. If you notice a sudden decrease in movements or have concerns about your baby’s activity, contact your midwife or doctor for advice.

How do I deal with heartburn or indigestion?

Eating smaller, more frequent meals, avoiding lying down after eating, and steering clear of spicy or high-fat foods may help. If discomfort persists, speak to your doctor about safe remedies.

Is it safe to continue exercising at 32 weeks?

Most pregnant individuals can continue low-impact activities, such as walking or prenatal yoga, unless advised otherwise. Always follow your healthcare provider’s guidance, especially if you have any complications.

Should I have a birth plan by now?

Many expectant parents draft or refine a birth plan around this time. Consider your preferences for pain relief, birthing environment, and labour support. Discuss these options with your midwife or doctor.

What can help with Braxton Hicks contractions?

Stay hydrated, switch positions, or take a warm bath to see if they ease. If contractions become regular or painful, contact your healthcare provider to rule out preterm labour.

How can I manage swelling at 32 weeks?

Mild swelling in the feet or ankles is common. Elevate your legs when possible, stay hydrated, and wear comfortable shoes. Seek medical advice if swelling is sudden or severe, particularly in your face or hands.

When should I call my healthcare provider?

Contact your midwife or doctor immediately if you experience heavy bleeding, severe pain, fluid leakage, or a significant change in baby movements. Any concerns or unusual symptoms should be discussed with a professional.


Disclaimer: The information above is for general educational purposes and should not replace personalised medical advice. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional about any health concerns or questions related to your pregnancy.

Click here for pregnancy at 31 weeks

Click here for pregnancy at 33 weeks

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