The questions women ask their doctors when they’re trying to conceive

by BabyYumYum
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women ask their doctors when they’re trying to conceive
Reading Time: 2 minutes

For some women, falling pregnant comes easily, but for others trying to conceive can be a lengthy and difficult process. These are some of the most commonly-asked questions women who are trying to conceive ask their doctors.

Can I still fall pregnant if I have endometriosis?

Endometriosis is one of the most common chronic gynaecological disorders, affecting an estimated 10% of women in the reproductive age group. It’s a long-term condition causing pelvic pain, painful periods, infertility and other symptoms that affect a woman’s quality of life. Research has shown that 38% of women with infertility have underlying endometriosis.

READ MORE: What is endometriosis & how does it affect fertility?

Does what I eat affect how fertile I am & my chances of falling pregnant?

Infertility is estimated to affect 1 in 6 couples in South Africa. Naturally, nutrition plays a big role in fertility, as does being under- or over-weight when trying to conceive. We know very well that diet plays a crucial role during pregnancy, but studies also show the importance of a good diet and eating certain foods when trying to conceive, with some foods believed to help boost fertility naturally.

READ MORE: Advice from a dietician on what to eat if you’re hoping to fall pregnant

How do I know when I’m ovulating

YOU MUST CHECK OUT: Ovulation calculator

How do I know when I’m ovulating?

For your best chance of conceiving, you need to have sex in the two to three days preceding ovulation, as well as on the day of ovulation. If a woman has sex on any of these three days she has between a 15 and 25% chance of falling pregnant. The likelihood of falling pregnant after ovulation declines rapidly.

READ MORE: How do I work out EXACTLY when I’m ovulating?

I’m worried about my biological clock, should I consider freezing my eggs?

There are many medical advances available to women today in order to preserve their reproductive health. Egg freezing is a process that involves extracting a woman’s eggs and freezing them to attempt pregnancy once she is ready. The age at which you have your eggs harvested makes all the difference as they’ll be ‘younger’ when you finally do have them implanted and fertilised, and younger eggs are usually healthier, providing you with a better chance of a successful pregnancy.

READ MORE: Everything you need to know about freezing your eggs in South Africa

NEXT READ: 21 early signs of pregnancy

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