The early weeks of pregnancy can bring a variety of symptoms, some subtle and others more obvious. From a missed period to tender breasts, nausea, and unusual cravings, your body starts giving you clues even before you take a test. Recognising these early signs can help you understand the changes happening and confirm if you’re expecting.
Every pregnancy journey begins with small, telltale signs that often go unnoticed. From subtle symptoms like fatigue and mood swings to more evident ones like nausea, these changes signal your body preparing for a new chapter. Recognising these early signs of pregnancy can help you confirm your instincts and take the next steps with confidence. But what are these signs, and how early can they appear?
Common signs of pregnancy:
- Missing a period. If your menstrual cycle is regular, it will be easier for you to notice if you’ve skipped a period and act accordingly. If you have an irregular cycle, it may take you a bit longer – and a few other symptoms – to realise that you’re pregnant.
- Implantation bleeding (this happens when the fertilised embryo attaches to the uterine wall) occurs 10 to 14 days after conception and can also be mistaken for a light period.
- Sensitive, swollen breasts. Hormonal changes early in your pregnancy may cause your breasts to become tender or swollen. This symptom most likely fades as your body becomes accustomed to these hormonal changes.
- Morning sickness. Contrary to the term, nausea and/or vomiting is not limited to the morning. Some women may experience it in the morning, others may suffer all day. Thought to be caused by hormonal fluctuations, morning sickness is usually an early first-trimester symptom, but some women may suffer throughout their pregnancy.
- The urge to urinate more often. During pregnancy, the volume of blood in your body increases. Your kidneys need to process this extra fluid, which is then sent to your bladder resulting in more frequent trips to the loo.
- Tired all the time. Another one to chalk up to hormones, fatigue is quite common during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. This can be accompanied by emotional ups and downs.
- Cravings and/or aversions. If your favourite food or fragrance suddenly turns your stomach, or you have an unexpected inclination to mix peanut butter with pickles (or other bizarre combinations) or yearn for something you don’t normally eat or drink, it’s a sign you might be expecting.
- A thin, milky vaginal discharge occurs throughout pregnancy and is caused by oestrogen and the thickening of your vaginal walls.
- Bleeding gums and noses. Hormones can cause gums to become inflamed and bleed during brushing or flossing, while expanded blood vessels in the nose can cause nose bleeds.
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Uncommon early signs of pregnancy
- Pica is craving and eating non-nutritive substances such as dirt and chalk, ice or clay.
- Stuffy or blocked nose due to excess mucus production.
- Cramping similar to period pains can occur in the first trimester.
- Dizziness due to increases in hormone levels as well as a change in blood pressure and the volume of blood in your body. Low blood sugar can also result in feelings of light-headedness.
- Dysgeusia is a metal taste in the mouth that usually disappears after the first trimester.
- Migraines are vascular headaches caused by the dilation of blood vessels in the brain. You may have had these before pregnancy or they may be a new symptom.
- Varicose veins. As your uterus expands, it puts pressure on the inferior vena cava (largest blood vessel on the right side of your body) which can cause varicose veins in your legs and even your vulva and breasts.
- Bloating and flatulence. One of the more embarrassing symptoms of pregnancy, an increase in the production of progesterone slows down digestion causing gas.
- Vivid dreams and nightmares can be due to pregnancy hormones, as well as interrupted sleep caused by trips to the toilet, cramps or, later, your baby’s movement.
- Butterfingers. You may have dropped things before and have people ask if you’re pregnant – it isn’t always a joke and may well be a sign that you’re pregnant.
- Waking up feeling hot. Ovulation increases body temperature and if it doesn’t regulate within a couple of weeks, you could be pregnant.
- Change in breast milk. If you’re breastfeeding another child when you fall pregnant, they might refuse the breast due to pregnancy hormones changing the taste of your milk.
Read: Appropriate weight gain in pregnancy
How did you know you were pregnant?
“High blood pressure in the early stages. It had never happened to me before then and it was how I found out I was pregnant even though it’s unusual at the beginning of pregnancy.” Vahnia-Jane Felix Cunningham
“I got very sick with flu and a bad runny nose in the first month of all three of my pregnancies. That’s how I knew.” Hasina Hajat
“Extreme abdominal cramps for almost the whole month. I thought it was period pains but when I missed my period, I got a home pregnancy test and found out I was pregnant.” Nthabi Mohlomi Swarts:
“I was feeling cold during 30-degree summer weather. I sat in the office with a blanket and hot water bottle, and the aircon on heat.” Sal Govender
“Hot flashes every other minute. I booked an appointment with my GP and, to my crazy surprise, I was four weeks pregnant.” Nelani Mdletshe
You can expect plenty of changes to your body (thank you, hormones!) and a variety of symptoms when you’re pregnant. However, if you are worried about anything, always speak to your healthcare professional.
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FAQs: Early Signs of Pregnancy
What are the most common early signs of pregnancy?
Common symptoms include a missed period, breast tenderness, fatigue, nausea (often called morning sickness), and frequent urination. Some people also notice heightened sense of smell or mild cramping.
When do early pregnancy symptoms typically start?
While missing a period is one of the most common early indicators of pregnancy, stress, hormonal imbalances, and other factors can also cause late or skipped periods. If in doubt, take a home pregnancy test or consult a healthcare provider.
Is a missed period always a sign of pregnancy?
While a missed period is one of the most common signs, it can also be caused by stress, hormonal imbalances, or other health conditions.
What causes nausea during early pregnancy?
Nausea, often called morning sickness, is caused by increased levels of pregnancy hormones such as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and oestrogen. Severe and persistent vomiting could be a sign of hyperemesis gravidarum, which requires medical advice.
Are mood swings an early sign of pregnancy?
Mood swings can occur due to hormonal changes, but they’re not unique to pregnancy. Feeling more emotional can be an early sign, though stress and other lifestyle factors can also cause shifts in mood.
Is it normal to feel tired in early pregnancy?
Yes, fatigue is a common symptom caused by hormonal changes, particularly the increase in progesterone. Your body is also diverting energy to begin supporting foetal development.
Can early pregnancy cause food cravings or aversions?
Yes, hormonal changes can lead to unusual food cravings or strong aversions to certain smells and tastes.
What does implantation bleeding look like, and is it common?
Some people notice light spotting or implantation bleeding when the fertilised egg attaches to the uterine lining, which can happen around 6–12 days after conception. It’s typically lighter and shorter than a normal period.
Are headaches or dizziness early signs of pregnancy?
Yes, hormonal changes and increased blood volume during pregnancy can lead to headaches or light-headedness. Staying hydrated and eating small, frequent meals may help.
Can breast changes indicate early pregnancy?
Yes, breasts may become tender, swollen, or feel heavier due to hormonal changes. The areolas may also darken.
Is breast tenderness a usual early sign?
Yes, changes in hormones can make breasts feel tender, heavy, or sensitive. Some notice the area around the nipples (areolas) becoming darker or veins more visible.
Can an increased sense of smell be related to pregnancy?
Yes, heightened olfactory sensitivity is sometimes reported. You may find certain odours more intense or off-putting than usual, which can exacerbate nausea.
How soon can I take a pregnancy test to confirm?
Home tests detect the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. They can be quite reliable if used correctly and taken after a missed period. You can take a home pregnancy test as early as the first day of a missed period, though some sensitive tests may detect pregnancy a few days earlier.
Should I see a doctor if I suspect I’m pregnant?
Yes, it’s important to confirm the pregnancy with a healthcare professional and begin prenatal care as soon as possible. If you suspect you’re pregnant or have a positive home test, booking an appointment with a GP or midwife is a good next step. They can confirm pregnancy, discuss your health, and start prenatal care.
Reading Time: 3 minutesEvery parent-to-be experiences anxiety during pregnancy – after all, we all want our children to be as healthy and happy as possible. …
This helped alot i have a question im three days late in my period and im having cramps i pee a lot im constantly hungry and sleep mostly am i pregnant cause i took a test and it was negative
I took three pregnancy tests all came back negative but my period is late
I had miscarriage on january and I’m still trying to conceive,but nothing what could be the problem?
I’ve. Had my period for the second time in one month I’m moody theses days I’m always tried I’ve done several times and comes back nagative
Hi I missed my periods or I’m late but it’s been a month and now I’m spotting some blood. My biggest fear I gave birth last year and my son passed away. It would be great to have another baby but I also don’t want to give birth and same thing happens so either I’m pregnant or I’m sick because I’m feeling sick but I’m scared to check