The vital role of mucus and phlegm in your body often goes unnoticed, yet they are essential for maintaining your health. These substances, though sometimes seen as mere nuisances, play critical roles in protecting and supporting your body’s functions. From trapping harmful pathogens to keeping your respiratory system moist, mucus and phlegm are your body’s unsung heroes.
Cold and flu season is here corner and while nobody likes to cough and splutter, it can actually have benefits for you. In order to better understand this, it is important to understand what mucus is, how it is different to phlegm and the role that both play in our bodies, especially in relation to coughs.
Mucus is the slippery liquid made by our mucous membranes or mucosa. These membranes line the passageways in our bodies that come into contact with the outside environment, i.e. the nose, mouth, airways, digestive tract, the reproductive tract, the white part of the eye and on the inside of the eyelids.
Mucus is a useful material with important functions in the body as it acts as a thin, protective blanket preventing the tissue underneath from drying out.
“When the mucus escalator can’t keep up, the body deploys other strategies such as coughing.”
Without mucus, the mucosa will be exposed to elements from the outside world, which will cause it to dry out and crack.
So mucus serves an important role to keep these tissues healthy. Mucus is also able to trap unwanted substances like bacteria and dust before it gets into our bodies and contains elements of the immune system that kill any invaders it traps.
How mucus moves along the mucus escalator
The respiratory tract is a mucus-making machine, producing over a litre of mucus a day. This ensures that the protective mucus blanket is constantly supplied with newly made mucus. Many cells lining the airways have long, tail-like hair called cilia, which beat 10 to 12 times per second.
The mucus blanket rests on top of the cilia, which propel it forward like an escalator. Once mucus reaches the throat, it is swallowed, usually unnoticed, and recycled in the stomach. The normal amount of mucus produced daily is very effectively handled and cleared by the mucus escalator to prevent it from accumulating.
Phlegm: mucus accumulation
A bad cold or an allergy can throw the body’s mucus production into overdrive. This is the body’s way to flush away infection, irritants or allergens. However, the mucus escalator may not be able to keep up with the increased volume of mucus or may become inefficient due to the stickiness of the mucus.
As a result, large volumes of thick, sticky mucus accumulate in the airways. Mucus from the lungs is sometimes referred to as phlegm and is produced by the lower airways.
A chesty cough
When the mucus escalator can’t keep up, the body deploys other strategies such as coughing. A cough that produces mucus is known as a chesty or wet cough. Unlike a dry cough, a wet cough should be encouraged because it prevents mucus from pooling in the lungs, which can impair breathing and the ability of lungs to fight infection.
Why mucolytics work best
Mucolytics are useful to alleviate coughing, mucus production and airway obstruction. They break the chemical bonds that hold mucus together in a sticky elastic gel. When the bonds are broken, the mucus becomes less sticky and thick, making it easier to move along the mucus escalator and cough up.
This also makes it more difficult for germs to infect the mucus and cause chest infections. Your doctor or pharmacist will advise you on the need for and type of mucolytic best suited to your needs.
In conclusion, muc]us plays an essential role in the maintenance of a healthy body and respiratory tract. Infections, irritants and allergies can stimulate mucus overproduction, causing large volumes of thick, sticky mucus to accumulate in the respiratory tract.
A wet cough helps to remove mucus and should be encouraged, rather than suppressed, with the help of a suitable mucolytic.
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FAQs: The Vital Role of Mucus and Phlegm in Your Body
What is the difference between mucus and phlegm? Mucus is a slippery secretion produced by the mucous membranes that line various parts of the body, including the respiratory and digestive tracts. Phlegm is a type of mucus specifically produced in the lungs and respiratory passages, particularly during illness or infection.
Why does the body produce mucus? Mucus serves several important functions, including trapping dust, microbes, and other particles, protecting and lubricating the tissues, and facilitating the removal of debris from the respiratory tract.
How does mucus protect the respiratory system? Mucus traps foreign particles like dust, bacteria, and viruses, preventing them from entering the lungs. Cilia, tiny hair-like structures in the respiratory tract, move the mucus and trapped particles up to the throat where they can be swallowed or expelled.
What causes an increase in mucus production? Increased mucus production can be caused by infections (such as colds, flu, and bronchitis), allergies, irritants (such as smoke and pollution), and certain medical conditions (such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
Is it normal to have mucus in the digestive system? Yes, mucus in the digestive system is normal and necessary. It helps protect the lining of the digestive tract, facilitates the movement of food, and aids in the absorption of nutrients.
What does it mean if my mucus changes colour? Changes in mucus colour can indicate different conditions. Clear mucus is normal, while yellow or green mucus often suggests an infection. Brown or black mucus may indicate the presence of dirt, smoke, or dried blood. Red or pink mucus could indicate bleeding in the respiratory tract.
How can I manage excessive mucus production? Managing excessive mucus production can involve staying hydrated, using a humidifier, avoiding irritants like smoke, using saline nasal sprays, and following any treatment plans prescribed by a healthcare provider for underlying conditions.
Can diet affect mucus production? Yes, certain foods can increase mucus production, such as dairy products, soy, and gluten for some individuals. Staying hydrated and eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables can help manage mucus levels.
Why do I produce more mucus when I am sick? When you are sick, your body produces more mucus to trap and remove pathogens (like viruses and bacteria) from your respiratory system. This is a natural defence mechanism to help your body fight off the infection.
What are the common conditions associated with excessive phlegm production? Common conditions associated with excessive phlegm production include respiratory infections (like colds, flu, and pneumonia), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, cystic fibrosis, and allergies.
Should I be concerned if I frequently cough up phlegm? Frequent coughing up of phlegm can be a sign of an underlying condition, such as chronic bronchitis, COPD, or an infection. It’s important to consult a healthcare provider to determine the cause and appropriate treatment.
Can medications help reduce mucus and phlegm production? Yes, medications like expectorants can help thin and loosen mucus, making it easier to expel. Decongestants can reduce mucus production by shrinking swollen nasal passages. Always use medications as directed by a healthcare provider.
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