38 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect In Your Pregnancy and Baby’s Milestones

by BabyYumYum
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38 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect In Your Pregnancy and Baby’s Milestones
Reading Time: 6 minutes
- BabyYumYum

You’re 38 weeks pregnant—congratulations on being so close to meeting your baby! The size of a baby at 38 weeks is similar to a bunch of rhubarb. They are approximately 49.3cm from the top of their head to their heel (crown-heel length). Curled up, they are 34.6cm from the top of their head to their buttocks (crown-rump length). They weigh roughly 3.2kg. Their body is fully developed, and they’re gaining fat to regulate their temperature after birth. You might also notice fewer movements as your baby settles into position for delivery.

pregnancy week 38 baby size and weight

As you’re approaching your due date, keep in mind that the above numbers are based on averages. Your baby may be bigger or smaller and still be perfectly healthy. 

For moms, this stage often brings stronger Braxton Hicks contractions, backaches, and pelvic pressure. This is a great time to practise breathing techniques, finalise your hospital bag, and focus on rest and relaxation. Let’s explore what to expect at 38 weeks pregnant and share some tips to help you feel prepared for the big day ahead.

Your baby at 38 weeks 

Your baby’s developments towards the end of pregnancy might be small, but they’re still very important.

Here is an update on what’s going on in the womb this week: 

Getting ready to cry

Your little one’s powerful vocal cords are developed and their lungs are continuing to strengthen and produce surfactant. This substance will prevent the air sacs from sticking together once your baby starts breathing. 


Your baby is shedding their lanugo, which is the soft, thin hair that covers their body in the womb. By the time they are full-term, most of this hair will be gone. Although, some might remain on their arms and shoulders at birth. 

38 weeks delivery?

A baby born at 38 weeks is still considered early term by most health professionals. Developments are still taking place in the womb right up until the average period of gestation (40 weeks). It’s not until week 39 that a term pregnancy is reached. 

If you’re having a scheduled Cesarean Section and your pregnancy is healthy, the earliest your baby will be delivered is at 39 weeks. 

ALSO CHECK OUT: Baby Zodiac Calculator

Your body at 38 weeks pregnant

By this point in pregnancy, your body is getting ready to go into labour. You may notice some new signs this week that signal delivery is near.

The Lily Rose Collection
The Lily Rose Collection

Here are some of the more typical 38 weeks pregnant symptoms:

  • Braxton Hicks contractions. Also referred to as “false labour pains”, Braxton Hicks contractions are a common late pregnancy symptom. Although they might feel like actual contractions, they don’t require medical attention, and usually go away when you get up and move around or drink more water. Real contractions grow in intensity and become more frequent as time passes. They usually bring on lower back pain or a similar feeling to menstrual cramps.
  • Bloody show. If you find a small amount of blood in your vaginal discharge, this is what’s referred to as a bloody show. As you begin to dilate, the expansion of your cervix may cause slight bleeding. For some women, the bloody show might signal labour is just hours or days away, but it can also happen weeks before delivery. 
  • Diarrhoea. Loose stool and/or frequent bowel movements could be a sign that labour is near. Diarrhoea is thought to be your body’s way of clearing out the bowels so the uterus is able to contract more effectively. If you’re experiencing frequent diarrhoea, remember to drink plenty of water to keep hydrated.
  • Pelvic pressure. As your baby drops into your pelvic region in preparation for birth, you may feel an increase in pressure on your hips, back, and pelvis. Your body is also producing increased levels of the hormone relaxin. This softens your joints and ligaments, causing a slight change in your musculoskeletal system. 
  • Leaking colostrum. The first breastmilk your baby will receive is called colostrum. It’s yellow in colour and packed with the nutrients your newborn needs for their first few days of life. Don’t be surprised if you see a few drops in your bra before the baby arrives, it’s perfectly normal to leak a little before giving birth. 
  • Nausea. Although most people associate nausea as an early pregnancy symptom, it can crop up again late in your third trimester too. It might also be a sign that labour is about to start. To help your stomach settle, try and eat several small meals throughout the day rather than three larger meals. Also, stick to easy-to -digest foods, like rice, toast, smoothies, etc.

Taking care of yourself during week 38 of pregnancy

Taking care of yourself during week 38 of pregnancyAs your due date fast approaches you may be feeling a variety of emotions.

Here are some important self-care tips and helpful reminders that will serve you especially useful this week:

  • Practice breathing exercises. When you go into labour, breathing exercises will help you relax and better manage the pain and discomfort you feel. You can find different exercises online, but generally, you need to practice slow deep breaths. Inhale through your nose and out through your mouth. 
  • Focus on low-impact exercise. Towards the end of pregnancy, low-impact exercises, like walking and swimming are great options for staying active. Swimming is easy on your joints and will help alleviate uncomfortable symptoms, like back pain. Walking can help your baby drop further into the pelvis which can help induce labour.  Exercise is also great for your mental health and can relieve some of the stress and anxiety surrounding labour.
  • Go over your birth plan with your birth partner. Your birth partner can be your significant other, or a relative or friend. They will be by your side during labour and delivery to provide emotional support. Make sure to go over your birth plan with them before you get to the hospital so you’re both on the same page. When the contractions get strong, you might find it difficult to communicate with the hospital staff. Your birth partner can serve as your voice and relay your wants and needs for you.

FAQ’s: 38 Weeks Pregnant – What to Expect & Baby’s Milestones 

How can I distinguish real labour contractions from Braxton Hicks at 38 weeks?

True labour contractions grow stronger, last longer, and become more frequent. They typically don’t subside with rest or position changes. Braxton Hicks, on the other hand, often fade if you change position, take a bath, or hydrate. If in doubt, call your midwife or doctor.

What should I do if I feel a sudden urge to clean (nesting instinct)?

Nesting is common late in pregnancy, but it’s crucial not to overdo it. Focus on light tasks you can manage without strain. Avoid heavy lifting or climbing ladders, and take regular breaks to prevent exhaustion or dizziness.

Is it safe to have a membrane sweep at 38 weeks pregnant?

Membrane sweeps can help stimulate labour, but they’re generally offered closer to or after your due date unless recommended otherwise. Discuss the risks and benefits with your healthcare provider to see if it’s right for your situation.

Can my baby still move into a head-down position this late?

Yes, some babies turn head-down (vertex) even at 38 weeks. If your baby remains in a breech or transverse position, your midwife or doctor may suggest an external cephalic version (ECV) or discuss birth options.

Should I expect changes in my baby’s movement patterns?

Although space is tight, you should still feel regular movement. You might sense more rolls and shifts than large kicks. Any sudden drop in movement or unusual pattern warrants a prompt call to your healthcare provider.

The Lily Rose Collection
The Lily Rose Collection

What if I lose my mucus plug at 38 weeks?

Losing the mucus plug (sometimes called the ‘show’) can indicate labour is near, but it’s not always immediate. Labour might start within hours, days, or even weeks. Contact your midwife or doctor if you notice heavy bleeding alongside mucus loss.

Are there natural ways to encourage labour to start at 38 weeks?

Some suggest gentle walking, bouncing on a birth ball, or nipple stimulation. However, there is limited scientific proof of these methods. Always consult your healthcare provider before attempting any labour-inducing technique.

What should I consider for pain relief options during labour?

Research epidurals, gas and air (entonox), TENS machines, and water births. Understand how each option could impact your birth experience. Talk through preferences with your midwife or doctor so they can support your choices.

How should I prepare my home for a newborn’s arrival?

Ensure you have clean bedding, nappies, baby clothes, and a safe sleeping space for your little one. Stock up on easy-to-prepare meals or ingredients. If possible, organise some help from family or friends during the early postpartum period.

Is it normal to have diarrhoea or loose stools at this stage?

Some women experience changes in bowel habits before labour. Occasional loose stools can be a sign that your body is gearing up for birth. If it’s severe or accompanied by dehydration, speak to your healthcare provider.

How can I manage swelling if I’m on my feet a lot?

Elevate your feet when you can, wear comfortable shoes, and take breaks to rest. If you notice sudden or severe swelling, especially in your face or hands, contact a healthcare professional as it may indicate pre-eclampsia.

When is it time to head to the hospital or birthing centre?

Generally, go when you have strong, regular contractions about five minutes apart lasting for at least a minute, or if your waters break. However, every plan is different, so follow the advice given by your midwife or doctor for your specific pregnancy.

Disclaimer: The information above is for general educational purposes and does not replace personalised medical advice. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for specific guidance on your pregnancy or health concerns.

Click here for pregnancy at 37 weeks

Click here for pregnancy at 39 weeks

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