You’re 35 weeks pregnant—congratulations on nearing the finish line! The size of a baby at 35 weeks is similar to a honeydew melon. They are approximately 45.5cm from the top of their head to their heel (crown-heel length). Curled up, they are 32cm from the top of their head to their buttocks (crown-rump length). They weigh roughly 2.5kg. Your baby won’t get too much longer, but they still have a bit more filling out to do.
The baby’s kidneys are fully developed, and their liver is processing waste, preparing them for life outside the womb. You might also notice that their movements feel different as they have less space to stretch and kick.
For mums, this stage often comes with increased fatigue, Braxton Hicks contractions, and pressure in your lower abdomen as your baby drops into position. Preparing your hospital bag, finalising your birth plan, and practising relaxation techniques can help ease the final stretch of pregnancy. Let’s dive into what to expect at 35 weeks pregnant and share some helpful tips to make the most of these last weeks.
Your baby at 35 weeks
At 35 weeks pregnant, you’re getting close to the finish line. Your little bundle of joy’s skin is smoothing out by acquiring more baby fat. They’re also going through these important developments:
Body update
Most of your baby’s physical developments are now complete. Their kidneys are fully developed and their liver is functioning. Their lungs, however, still have a bit more maturing to do over the next few weeks.
From this point forward, they will gain about 225 grams (.5 lbs) per week until delivery.
Cephalic presentation
Cephalic presentation, also referred to as head-first presentation or head presentation is when the foetus settles into a longitudinal lie, with the head facing down. This is the ideal position for your baby in labour, as it allows their head to enter the pelvis first.
Most babies descend into this position between week 32 and week 36 of pregnancy.
Amniotic fluid
The amniotic fluid is beginning to recede. It will slowly decrease over the next few weeks.
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Your body at 35 weeks pregnant
Your 35 weeks pregnant symptoms might leave you feeling a bit tired and uncomfortable. Luckily, you don’t have much longer to go – and the end result is the newest addition to your family!
Here are some things you might be experiencing during this stage in your pregnancy:
- Braxton Hicks contractions. If you haven’t experienced them yet, Braxton hicks at 35 weeks can be a common pregnancy symptom. Referred to as “false labour contractions” they are the result of your uterus tightening and relaxing. Unlike actual labour contractions, Braxton Hicks contractions are irregular and don’t increase in intensity. They usually go away after you change positions or get up and walk around.
- PUPPP rash. If you’ve developed an itchy rash during pregnancy, this could be a sign of pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP). This bumpy rash usually appears in stretch marks around the stomach and can spread to the thighs, buttocks, and arms. Although the itching can become severe, PUPPS does not affect the baby. To help control the scratching, take an oatmeal bath, wear loose cotton clothes, and apply a cold compress to the parts of your body affected.
- Sore ribs. This can be common toward the end of your pregnancy. As your baby’s head faces down, their little legs can physically kick your ribs, making them sore. The pain should improve as the baby moves further down your pelvis and gets in position for birth.
- Change in dreams. Many women report vivid dreams or bad dreams during pregnancy. This can increase the closer you get to your due date. Your mind is trying to process and deal with the natural worry and stress that comes with giving birth and parenthood. Another reason for a change in dreams is your altered hormone levels, which can affect your sleep rhythms.
Taking care of yourself when pregnant at 35 weeks
As your due day approaches, it might seem like your to-do list never ends.
To help you stay on track, here are some important reminders and things to focus on this week:
- Spend time outdoors. When your little one arrives, you might be spending quite a bit of time indoors at first. Make use of your free time now to get outside and soak up some rays. Spending time in nature is good for your mental health, and allows you to absorb vitamin D.
- Review the early signs of labour. Although you still have another few weeks to go until your baby is considered full-term, reviewing the early signs of labour will better prepare you for the start of childbirth. Here are some common changes that can happen to your body days, or even weeks, before your baby arrives.
- A spike in your resting instinct
- Your baby “drops” into your pelvis
- Your cervix dilates
- Increased back pain and cramping
- Diarrhoea or frequent bowel movements
- Vaginal discharge that changes consistency and/or takes on a pinkish or brownish colour
- Prepare your pets. If you’re a dog owner, you can prepare them for the baby’s arrival. Each day, play realistic baby cries for them to hear – find options on Youtube. While they’re playing, give them cuddles, scratches, and treats. When you’re done playing the sound, give them space, and ignore them. This will help train your dog to become familiar with the sounds your newborn will make, instead of scaring them. You can also have a friend or family member take a blanket home that has been used to swaddle the baby before you arrive. This will familiarise your pet with the baby’s scent before they meet.
- Keep moving. Staying active right until the end of pregnancy is important and can help set you on a path for an easier labour. As your bump increases, make sure to keep your fitness routine low to moderate intensity so you can keep comfortable and minimise your risk of injury. Swimming, walking, and prenatal yoga are all excellent options for a workout session toward the end of your third trimester.
FAQs: 35 Weeks Pregnant – What to Expect & Your Baby’s Development
How big is my baby at 35 weeks?
By around 35 weeks, your baby is approximately the size of a honeydew melon, measuring about 45–46 cm in length and weighing around 2.4–2.7 kg. Keep in mind, every pregnancy is unique, and measurements can vary slightly.
What developments are happening with my baby now?
Your baby’s organs are maturing, with the lungs and brain continuing to develop rapidly. They’re also gaining weight and body fat, which helps regulate their temperature after birth. Many babies will position themselves head-down in preparation for delivery.
Which pregnancy symptoms might I notice at 35 weeks?
Common symptoms include back or pelvic pain, Braxton Hicks contractions, heartburn, swelling in the feet or ankles, and frequent urination as your baby presses against your bladder. Some women also experience increased fatigue.
Is weight gain still expected at this stage?
Yes, gradual weight gain often continues through the late third trimester. Consult your healthcare provider if you’re concerned about sudden or excessive changes in your weight, or if you’re unsure about what’s normal for you.
How can I manage back or pelvic discomfort?
Try gentle prenatal exercises like walking or yoga, maintain good posture, and use supportive pillows when sitting or lying down. If pain is severe or concerning, speak with your midwife or doctor.
Are Braxton Hicks contractions common at 35 weeks?
Yes, Braxton Hicks may become more noticeable or frequent. They tend to be irregular and often ease with rest or position changes. If contractions grow strong, painful, or form a regular pattern, contact your healthcare provider to rule out preterm labour.
What about baby movements at 35 weeks pregnant?
Although space is getting tight, you should still sense regular activity, such as kicks, rolls, and stretches. If you notice a sudden drop in movements or something unusual about your baby’s usual pattern, reach out to your healthcare provider.
How do I cope with heartburn and indigestion?
Eat smaller, more frequent meals, avoid spicy or greasy foods, and wait a while before lying down after eating. If these changes don’t help, consult your midwife or doctor about safe relief options.
Is it okay to continue exercising at 35 weeks pregnant?
Low-impact activities like walking or swimming are often recommended unless your healthcare provider advises otherwise. Regular movement can help manage weight, reduce stress, and ease aches and pains.
When should I finalise my birth plan?
Most parents aim to have a birth plan in place by now. Discuss options for labour, pain relief, and any special requests with your midwife or doctor so you both understand your preferences and any relevant considerations.
How can I handle swelling in my legs or feet?
Elevating your feet, staying hydrated, and wearing comfortable shoes can help ease mild swelling. If swelling is sudden, severe, or includes your face or hands, contact your midwife or doctor, as this could be a sign of a more serious issue.
When should I call my healthcare provider?
Contact them if you experience severe pain, heavy bleeding, fluid leakage, or a noticeable decrease in baby movements. Any sudden or concerning symptoms always warrant professional assessment.
Disclaimer: The information above is a general guide and should not replace personalised medical advice. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional if you have questions or concerns about your pregnancy.
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