26 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Size, Symptoms, and Pregnancy Tips

by BabyYumYum
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Baby Yum Yum - Pregnancy at 26 weeks
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You’re 26 weeks pregnant—congratulations! Your baby at 26 weeks is the size of a zucchini. They are roughly 33.3cm from the top of their head to their heel (crown-heel length) and they weigh approximately 902 grams. They’re growing rapidly, and their eyes are starting to open, preparing for their first glimpses of the world. You may also notice more defined movements and kicks as your baby continues to strengthen.

Your second trimester is nearly over and you’ve probably noticed lots of physical changes in your body. Your baby is also going through physical changes that will prepare them for their big arrival. 

26 weeks pregnant

At this stage, common symptoms like backaches or heartburn may appear as your body adapts to your growing bump. Staying active with prenatal exercises, eating smaller, balanced meals, and getting plenty of rest can help ease discomfort. Let’s explore what to expect at 26 weeks pregnant and share some tips for a healthy and happy journey.

Your baby at 26 weeks

Babies at 26 weeks are very active in the womb. Their eyes are beginning to open and their ears are able to pick up on more sounds. If you have a dog, you may notice that your baby will start kicking when it begins barking. 


A 26-week foetus has fully developed eyes that are starting to open. They also have some newly sprouted eyelashes and eyebrows to go with them. 

It’s still undecided what color they will be. The iris needs another month or so to fill out with pigment. Even then, the color might not be their permanent shade until about 6 to 12 months after birth. 


As your baby grows, it may feel as if they’re getting a bit cramped in your womb. Don’t worry, they still have lots of space to grow. Their movement just might start to feel a bit tighter and pronounced.

You can begin to sense an occasional pedalling motion against your stomach. This is your baby practicing their pre-walking skills.  

Male reproductive system

If you’re having a boy, their testicles usually start their descent into the scrotum during week 26. This process will slowly carry on, but they will only finish their descent between weeks 33 and 35. 

Premature birth

A baby born at 26 weeks has a very good chance of survival outside of the womb. A 2016 cohort study placed their survival rate at 86 %. Although, they will still be extremely premature and have to spend time in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). 

ALSO CHECK OUT: Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

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The Lily Rose Collection

Your body at 26 weeks pregnant

26 weeks pregnantAt 26 weeks pregnant, your symptoms are becoming increasingly noticeable as your body continues to accommodate your growing fetus.

Here are some common changes you may notice around this time:

  • Clumsiness. If you’re feeling a bit clumsy, you’re not alone. Fatigue, a growing baby bump, and the loosening of your ligaments due to pregnancy hormones can all play a role in making you feel a bit less coordinated. 
  • Back pain. An aching back is a pregnancy symptom that most people experience at some point. This can be caused by many things: putting on weight, your growing uterus weakening your abdominal muscles, a shift in your center of gravity, and your hormones relaxing the joints of your pelvis.

To help with back pain, stick with comfortable shoes, and avoid lifting heavy objects. You can also consider booking a prenatal massage with a certified therapist. 

  • Leg cramps. Another not-so-great pregnancy symptom is leg cramps. They are most common at night, and can even strike when you’re fast asleep. It’s not entirely clear what causes them, but keeping hydrated, regular exercise, and stretching before bed can help prevent them. 
  • Insomnia. As the weeks pass by, you may start to experience trouble sleeping. Several factors can play a role in pregnancy insomnia, like anxiety and stress, uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms, and a change in hormones. 

To ensure a good night’s rest, keep a regular exercise routine, stay hydrated throughout the day, and pay attention to your mental health. 

Taking care of yourself when pregnant at 26 weeks

Taking care of yourself when pregnant at 26 weeksYour baby at 26 weeks isn’t the only one who needs TLC. Focusing on your wellbeing during pregnancy is very important and can help boost your mood.

Here are some tips and advice that will benefit both you and your baby:

  • Remember, fibre is fuel. Eating a diet high in fibre during pregnancy comes with so many health benefits. It keeps your digestive tract running smoothly, which will help ward off pregnancy symptoms, like constipation and hemorrhoids

Fibre also makes you feel full for longer, which can help you manage your appetite. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes are all excellent – and easy to find, sources of fibre. 

  • Pay attention to posture. Keeping a good posture when pregnant can help manage back and neck pain. It can also help ward off fatigue. 

When sitting and standing, hold your head up straight and try not to lean forward. Your shoulder blades should be slightly back and in line with your ear lobes. 

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The Lily Rose Collection

As far as your sleeping posture goes, make sure to avoid lying on your back. This places too much pressure on the inferior vena cava, a major vein that transfers blood to your heart. 

Starting at around week 20 of pregnancy, it’s recommended to only sleep on your side. 

  • Look into getting a doula. Hiring a doula might just be one of the best decisions you make during pregnancy. These trained individuals provide health-related care during labor and delivery. However, unlike a midwife, they are not medically trained. 

They are there to offer emotional and physical support, which can help manage stress and reduce anxiety. It’s important that you meet with a doula beforehand to discuss your birth plan, so it’s best to start the searching process as early as possible. 

  • Take a walk. Walking is a great exercise that can be done throughout your whole pregnancy. It’s easy on your joints and suits all fitness levels. Aim for at least 20 to 30 minutes a day, five days a week. 

FAQs: 26 Weeks Pregnant – Baby Size, Symptoms & Pregnancy Tips

How big is my baby at 26 weeks pregnant?

Your baby is roughly the size of a courgette (zucchini), measuring about 35–36 cm from head to heel and weighing around 750–900 grams. Keep in mind these figures can vary slightly from pregnancy to pregnancy.

What developments are happening with my baby now?

Your baby’s eyes may begin to open, and their hearing continues to improve. The lungs are maturing further, and they’re practising “breathing” amniotic fluid, preparing for life outside the womb.

Which pregnancy symptoms might I notice at 26 weeks?

You could experience Braxton Hicks contractions, mild swelling in your feet or ankles, back or pelvic discomfort, heartburn, and potential shortness of breath as your uterus expands.

Is weight gain expected at this stage?

Yes, consistent weight gain is normal throughout the second and third trimesters. Talk to your midwife or doctor about a healthy range for you, based on your pre-pregnancy weight and overall health. Check out our pregnancy weight gain calculator.

How can I manage back or pelvic pain?

Try gentle prenatal exercises, such as yoga or swimming, and maintain proper posture. Using a pregnancy pillow at night and wearing supportive shoes can also help alleviate discomfort.

Should I feel strong baby movements by now?

Most mums notice more intense and regular movements around this time. If you detect a significant decrease in activity, or have any concerns, contact your healthcare provider for advice.

How do I handle Braxton Hicks contractions?

Braxton Hicks contractions are usually irregular and less intense than true labour. Staying hydrated, changing positions, or resting can help ease them. If contractions become painful or frequent, consult your doctor or midwife.

What can I do about heartburn or indigestion?

Eating smaller meals, avoiding spicy or acidic foods, and not lying down immediately after eating can ease heartburn. If it’s persistent or severe, ask your healthcare provider about safe medications.

Is it safe to continue exercising at 26 weeks?

Moderate, low-impact activities like walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga are often beneficial if there are no medical complications. Always follow your healthcare provider’s guidance regarding exercise.

Are there any key nutritional requirements at 26 weeks?

Prioritise a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and dairy (or alternatives). Iron, calcium, and folic acid remain essential. Staying well-hydrated can also help with digestion and overall health.

When is my next prenatal appointment likely to be?

Appointments typically occur every four weeks in the second trimester, but your schedule may vary. Your healthcare provider will advise you on any additional scans or tests, such as glucose screening for gestational diabetes.

How can I prepare emotionally for the third trimester and birth?

Share your thoughts and concerns with friends, family, or a professional counsellor. Attending antenatal classes can help you learn about labour, pain management, and newborn care. Feeling informed and supported often reduces anxiety and boosts confidence.

Click here for pregnancy at 25 weeks

Click here for pregnancy at 27 weeks

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