What to expect at 20 weeks pregnant

by BabyYumYum
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Pregnancy at 20 weeks, 20 weeks pregnant
Reading Time: 7 minutes
- BabyYumYum

Congratulations—you’re 20 weeks pregnant and officially halfway through your pregnancy! At 20 weeks into your pregnancy, your baby will be about the size of a bell pepper. They weigh roughly 280g and measure about 16.5cm from their head to their buttocks (referred to as crown to rump). If your baby were measured from their head to their heel (crown to heel), they would be approximately 24.3cm.

This is an exciting time, as you’re roughly at the halfway point. You are now into your 5th month at 20 weeks pregnant. With that in mind, there are a few things you can start to expect at this critical milestone.  

You may be feeling those magical baby movements more frequently, and your mid-pregnancy anatomy scan is just around the corner. This is a great time to focus on your health, connect with your baby, and enjoy this special stage of pregnancy. Let’s dive into what you can expect at 20 weeks pregnant and how to make the most of it.

For more details about this important time of your life, read our post on pregnancy week by week.

Your baby at 20 weeks

A 20-week-old foetus starts to look more baby-like as some of its facial features begin to take shape. They still have a lot of growing to do, but they are becoming increasingly active – which you’ll start to feel. 

Key features of baby development after 20 weeks of pregnancy

Here are the essential things that will happen during this week of the second trimester:

Anatomy scan

The anatomy scan, also called the mid-pregnancy scan, is usually scheduled between weeks 18 and 22 of pregnancy. This is when your second ultrasound will be conducted. The scan checks that everything is on track with your baby’s growth and development. 

The sonographer (ultrasound technician) or doctor will look in detail at your baby’s lungs, bones, brain, face, heart, spinal cord, abdomen, and kidneys. 

NOTE: During your check-up, your midwife or doctor will check your fundal height, measuring your pregnant belly from the top of your uterus to your pubic bone.

Boy or girl?

If you want to find your baby’s sex, the ultrasound at your anatomy scan should also be able to clearly show your little one’s external genitals. Your baby’s skin will start forming a fine, downy hair called lanugo, which helps hold the vernix caseosa (a protective coating) to their skin. 

If you’re having a girl, their uterus is now fully formed, and they have millions of primitive eggs in their tiny ovaries. Twenty weeks is when the number of eggs they carry is at its peak, around seven million. This number will continue to decrease throughout their lifespan.  

If you’re carrying a boy, their testicles will start their descent soon. They are still in their abdomen, waiting for the third trimester when the scrotum is finished growing.

The Lily Rose Collection
The Lily Rose Collection


By week 20, many of your baby’s taste buds are fully formed. They can consume molecules of the food you eat, which pass through your blood into the amniotic fluid. Your baby can now transmit taste signals to their brain. They may begin to recognise the strong flavours that you consume, like curry and garlic.  

Some research suggests that the food you eat during pregnancy can influence your baby’s food preference later on.

ALSO CHECK OUT: Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

Your body at 20 weeks pregnant

At 5 months pregnant, you may notice a definite baby bump. Don’t worry if you think it’s too big or too small — every bump is different. And remember, factors like your size and shape and whether or not it’s your first pregnancy can determine how your belly grows.

Common experiences during pregnancy at 20 weeks

  • Movement from the baby — If you haven’t already felt your baby’s first movements, the 20th week of pregnancy is around the time most pregnant women experience this milestone. This often feels like small flutters, gas bubbles, or a light tap or kick. 
  • Itchy skin — You may notice areas like your belly and breasts start to become itchy. This is caused by your increased blood supply during pregnancy. Further along in your pregnancy, you may notice it more as your skin stretches to accommodate your growing baby bump. 
  • Heartburn — As your baby grows, it places more pressure on your digestive system. This, as well as hormonal changes, can cause heartburn during pregnancy. Certain foods, like spicy and acidic foods, can make this worse.  
  • Belly button changes — As your bump expands, so will your abdomen. You may notice your belly button starting to widen. Further along in your pregnancy, an innie belly button can flatten or even become an outie. This won’t happen to everyone, and the change is just temporary. 
  • Edema — This is the swelling of your feet and ankles caused by water retention. It’s normal but tends to get worse towards the end of your pregnancy. To prevent excess swelling, try not to stand for long periods, avoid uncomfortable shoes and tight pants, and rest with your legs slightly elevated. 
  • Leg cramps — These uncomfortable spontaneous muscle contractions can affect your calves, feet, or both. They are most common at night and can even wake you from a deep sleep. The exact cause of leg cramps isn’t entirely clear. However, there are certain steps you can take to help prevent them. These include drinking plenty of water, staying active, and stretching your calf muscles before bed. 

ALSO READ: Steps to exercising during pregnancy

Taking care of yourself during pregnancy week 20

Focusing on your well-being is important during all stages of pregnancy. As such, here are our top recommendations for staying healthy in week 20. 

Here are some tips for taking care of yourself during week 20:

  • Sleep on your side — Week 20 of pregnancy is when health experts recommend you no longer continue to sleep on your back. This position places the entire weight of your uterus and baby on the vena cava, a major blood vessel that carries blood from your lower body to your heart. The disrupted blood flow can cause shortness of breath, dizziness, and nausea.  
  • Purchase a pregnancy pillow — If you haven’t already purchased a pregnancy pillow, now is a great time to do so. This will make sleeping on your sides more comfortable and support your growing belly. Also, having a soft cushion between your legs will help keep your spine aligned, improving blood circulation.
  • Plan a trip — Your 20th week of pregnancy puts you well into your second trimester. Hopefully, your morning sickness symptoms have subsided, and your energy levels have increased. This is a great time to plan a babymoon.  
  • Focus on nutrition — Hopefully, by the 20-week mark, food aversions and nausea caused by morning sickness are a thing of the past. Although it’s ok to indulge a little here and there, eating well-balanced, nutritious meals benefits both mom and baby. Incorporating healthy food hacks into your daily routine can also help ward off certain pregnancy symptoms.
  • Exercise — Staying active during pregnancy comes with a whole host of benefits. It can reduce stress, increase your energy levels, and help you maintain a healthy pregnancy weight — just to name a few. 

ALSO READ: Does what you eat in pregnancy matter?


What should my stomach feel at 20 weeks pregnant? 

This should be the roundest point of your pregnancy so far, with your uterus most likely in line with your belly button. You’ll also most likely start to feel some stretching — which can result in stretch marks — and the occasional kick or fluttering in the stomach from the baby’s movements. 

The Lily Rose Collection
The Lily Rose Collection

How do I know my pregnancy is going well?

While they’re not the most comfortable symptom of a pregnancy, increased vaginal discharge, enlarged breasts, exhaustion, and morning sickness are all telltale signs that things are going well. You’ll also complete an ultrasound around the 20-week mark, and your midwife or doctor can let you know how the pregnancy is going.

What sitting positions should I avoid during pregnancy?

When sitting, it’s best to avoid crossing your legs, as it can put pressure on your stomach. Instead, keep your feet on the floor, and ideally, sit for no longer than 30 minutes at a time, taking short walking breaks in between sitting sessions.

How big is my baby at 20 weeks pregnant?

Around 20 weeks, your baby is roughly the size of a banana, measuring about 16–17 cm from head to bottom (crown to rump). This is a key developmental milestone, marking the halfway point of a typical 40-week pregnancy.

What developments are happening with my baby this week?

Your baby’s senses continue to refine. Their hearing is developing, meaning they may recognise familiar voices or sounds. They’re also practising swallowing and might be producing meconium (the first stool).

Can I feel my baby move at 20 weeks?

Yes, many women experience regular movements, often described as flutters or kicks, around this time. First-time mums may only start noticing them more distinctly now, while returning mums may recognise them earlier.

What symptoms might I notice at 20 weeks?

You may feel more energetic, though some discomforts like backache, round ligament pain, or mild swelling in the ankles can occur. Heartburn and indigestion are also common as your uterus expands upwards.

Should I have an ultrasound around 20 weeks?

A detailed anatomy scan is often performed around the 18–22-week mark. This scan assesses your baby’s development, checks for potential issues, and may reveal the baby’s sex if you wish to know.

How can I manage back and hip pain at 20 weeks?

Maintaining good posture, performing gentle stretches or prenatal yoga, and using supportive pillows while sleeping can all help. If pain is severe or persistent, consult your healthcare provider.

Is it normal to feel breathless at this stage?

Yes, as your uterus grows, it can put pressure on your diaphragm, causing occasional shortness of breath. Ensure you rest when needed, and mention severe or concerning breathlessness to your midwife or doctor.

How should I manage my diet at 20 weeks pregnant?

Continue focusing on a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and dairy or alternatives. Staying hydrated and maintaining sufficient levels of iron, folic acid, and calcium remain important.

Is weight gain expected at 20 weeks?

Yes, steady weight gain is typical. The recommended amount varies based on your pre-pregnancy weight and overall health. Discuss your progress with your healthcare provider for personalised guidance. Check out our Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator

Can I still exercise at 20 weeks?

Moderate exercise such as walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga is usually beneficial if there are no complications. Always follow your healthcare provider’s advice on safe activities for your specific situation.

What emotional changes might occur at this stage?

Emotions can fluctuate due to hormonal changes, body image concerns, and the reality of impending parenthood. Talking openly with supportive friends, family, or professionals can help you navigate these feelings.

When should I contact my doctor or midwife?

If you experience concerning symptoms such as severe pain, heavy bleeding, significant swelling, or reduced baby movements, it’s important to seek medical advice promptly. Your healthcare provider is there to support you and address any worries.


Click here for pregnancy at 19 weeks

Click here for pregnancy at 21 weeks

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