What to know at 15 weeks pregnant: size, weight + tips

by BabyYumYum
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Baby Yum Yum - Pregnancy at 15 weeks
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Welcome to 15 weeks pregnant! So you’re fifteen weeks pregnant and starting to feel a bit of movement. This is an exciting time, and you must be wondering: “How big is my baby at 15 weeks?” and what pregnancy symptoms might be waiting around the corner.  

This post will discuss your body at 15 weeks pregnant, baby size and weight, tips, and more. This is an exciting time to focus on your health, connect with your baby, and prepare for the journey ahead. So, keep reading if you are approaching this milestone in your pregnancy.  

Psst: Not sure if you are 15 weeks pregnant? Read our post, “How many months pregnant am I?” to find out. 

pregnancy week by week 15 fetus weight and length

Your baby at 15 weeks: Size & weight

Most moms report enjoying this time in their pregnancy because they’re likely still feeling better and more energetic than they did in their first trimester. Your little one is now around 70.8g (2.4 oz), 10cm (3.9 lbs), and roughly the size of a pear!

Your baby is moving their arms and legs, though you likely won’t feel movement yet as they’re still so small. Their legs are growing longer than their arms, and their taste buds are starting to develop.

Your baby is also practising their sucking, breathing, and swallowing motions, and a scan will most likely be able to tell now whether you’re having a boy or a girl.

ALSO CHECK OUT: Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

Your body at 15 weeks of pregnancy

You may not have an obvious bump yet, especially if this is your first pregnancy, but soon, your uterus will outgrow your pelvis and start to push upwards. You may be experiencing a few new symptoms this week, such as gas, swollen gums, nosebleeds, and shortness of breath.

15 weeks pregnant

Here’s what you might be experiencing:

  • Lower back pain: It’s related to the physical changes your body is going through. Try warm (not hot!) baths to soothe the discomfort, and consider retiring your high heels for the next few months.
  • Boosted sex drive: The increase in the amount of blood flowing through your body means your sex organs are more sensitive, and you may find yourself becoming aroused quite easily. Sex during pregnancy is safe, so enjoy it!
  • Gas and heartburn: Unfortunately, the increase in hormones often results in this getting worse as you get closer to your due date.
  • Round ligament pain: This is mild pain on the lower sides of your belly – usually on the right-hand side – that might twinge when you roll over in bed or make a sudden movement.

Read Next: How to relieve postpartum gas.

Taking care of yourself during this time

  • Avoid stress: While stress is, to an extent, unavoidable, try to control your stress levels. Studies have shown that too much stress during pregnancy may have a negative impact on the 15-week fetus.
  • Be kind to yourself: You’re going through many unfamiliar physical changes and might be anxious, too. You are, after all, growing an entire person inside your body!
  • Enjoy some me-time: Schedule some me-time and indulge in things that make you happy. That could include reading, journaling, or even having an afternoon nap.

FAQs: 15-week pregnancy, baby size, and what to expect

If you’re still unsure about what to expect at 15 weeks pregnant, these FAQs below might help. 

The Lily Rose Collection
The Lily Rose Collection

Where is the baby at 15 weeks in the stomach? 

Around the 15-week mark, your baby will be positioned in the amniotic sac in your uterus. 

Should I have a baby bump at 15 weeks?

Each pregnancy journey is unique, so some may or may not start showing a bump at this stage. It is not uncommon for a baby bump to start showing anywhere between 13 and 16 weeks of pregnancy. However, for first-time moms, it’s usually not noticeable.  

Can I sleep on my tummy at 15 weeks pregnant?

It’s generally safe to sleep on your stomach around 15 weeks pregnant. However, it can be uncomfortable and might lead to neck and back pain. Furthermore, research suggests any sleeping position should be acceptable until the 30th week of pregnancy.  

How big is my baby at 15 weeks pregnant?

By 15 weeks, your baby is roughly the size of an apple, measuring about 10–11 cm in length. Their limbs are growing quickly, and they’re becoming more active inside the womb.

What does the baby weigh at 15 weeks?

Your baby typically weighs around 70–100 grams at this stage. However, each pregnancy is unique, and these figures can vary slightly.

What developments are happening with my baby now?

Your baby’s bones are starting to harden, and their ears may be migrating into the correct position on the sides of the head. Some babies can even begin to sense light at this stage.

Which pregnancy symptoms might I notice at 15 weeks?

Many women feel more energetic now, with reduced nausea. You might notice an increased appetite, some nasal congestion (due to hormonal changes), or mild swelling in your feet or ankles.

Is weight gain normal at 15 weeks?

Yes, gradual weight gain is expected as your pregnancy progresses. Your healthcare provider can guide you on a healthy range based on your pre-pregnancy weight and overall health.

The Lily Rose Collection
The Lily Rose Collection

Can I feel my baby move at this stage?

Some women may begin to sense “fluttering” movements known as quickening, especially if they’ve been pregnant before. First-time mums often start noticing movements a bit later (around 18–20 weeks).

How can I maintain a healthy diet at 15 weeks?

Focus on nutrient-dense meals that include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy (or alternatives). Ensure you’re getting enough iron, calcium, folic acid, and other key nutrients.

Is it safe to exercise during the second trimester?

Yes, moderate exercise like walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga is generally beneficial. Check with your healthcare provider for personalised advice, especially if you have any medical concerns.

What should I do if I have nasal congestion or headaches?

These can be common in pregnancy due to hormonal changes. Stay hydrated, rest when needed, and speak to your doctor before taking any medication. A humidifier or saline nasal spray may provide relief for congestion.

When should I schedule my next prenatal appointment?

Appointments are typically scheduled every four weeks during the second trimester, but this can vary. Your healthcare provider will let you know when to book your next visit or any necessary scans.

Is it normal to see changes in my hair or skin at 15 weeks?

Yes, hormonal shifts can lead to hair feeling thicker or oilier, while some women experience changes in skin pigmentation. These are usually temporary and will often settle after pregnancy.

What preparations should I consider at this point?

You may want to explore childbirth classes, discuss any work leave or childcare plans, and continue communicating with your healthcare provider about any concerns. Staying informed about upcoming tests and milestones can help you feel prepared.

Click here for pregnancy at 14 weeks

Click here for pregnancy at 16 weeks

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