Top 5 reasons to choose cord stem cell banking with CryoSave South Africa

by BabyYumYum
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Top 5 reasons to choose cord stem cell banking with CryoSave South Africa
Reading Time: 2 minutes
    1. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
Collecting cord blood stem cells at birth is crucial because it can only be done – at that time- when they are naïve and at their most powerful.
    1. Low risk to mother and baby during delivery
The collection process is completely safe and takes only a few minutes after birth. Processing and storage are done in a secure AABB accredited facility.
    1. Beneficial for the entire family
Umbilical cord blood stem cells can be used not only for your child but also potentially for immediate family members. Parents have a 50% chance of a match, and siblings have a 25% chance.
    1. Ensuring your child’s future health
Preserving and storing your baby’s stem cells is an asset for the entire family’s r future health and well-being. These cells currently treat more than 80 blood-related diseases and may have the potential to treat a range of severe diseases and conditions in the future.
    1. Flexible payment options available
Despite the initial cost, the ability to treat life-threatening diseases in the future is priceless. CryoSave offers flexible pricing options to suit parents’ financial needs.
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