Formula and Baby Constipation: What You Need to Know

by BabyYumYum
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How is baby formula made?
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Finding the right formula to ease your baby constipation can be a game-changer for both you and your little one. Babies’ digestive systems are delicate, and constipation can be uncomfortable. As a parent, it’s natural to want to find gentle, effective solutions. Written by BabyYumYum.

Having a little one with constipation can make you feel really helpless. Not only do you hate to see your baby cramping or unable to pass a stool, but it’s also difficult to figure why they’re constipated, especially if it becomes a regular thing.

It is always best to consult with your general practitioner or paediatrician if your baby’s constipation does not stop. However, we love to learn from other moms and we found one who shared her experience.

“I was a bit frustrated and jealous that other mothers in my baby group who breastfed didn’t have the same constipation issues with their babies. This is because the balance of fat and protein in breast milk is perfect and so the stools are usually softer. So yes, breast is always better, but what if you have no option but to formula feed?

Initially, my baby had constipation when I was using formula, so I thought it was possible that something in the formula was causing the constipation. My doctor explained that the protein in some formulas can cause constipation and he recommended I switch brands (it is always advisable to ask your doctor to recommend the right formula).

One of my friends who was unable to breastfeed started using Novalac IT, a formula made specially to prevent constipation in formula-fed babies – the IT stands for Improved Transit. This formula doesn’t contain any medicines and is made so that babies have softer stools and don’t suffer from constipation. I went online to check it out and was happy to see that there are clinical trials* which show it does work. Also, IT has all the nutritional needs for your baby up until the age of three years, so you don’t need to use any other formula or supplement it with another. Remember to ask your doctor before you make any changes to your baby’s diet.

I also noticed that when I started introducing solid foods my little one became constipated and I soon realised that I was feeding her cereal that was low in fibre. Make sure you are feeding your baby food that contains enough fibre.”

“Protein in some formulas can cause constipation.”

MUST READ: 2 recipes to help with your baby’s constipation

Ways you can help ease your baby’s constipation:

  • Exercise really helps. The best advice my sister gave me was to lie my baby down and pump the legs gently as if they were pedalling a bike. I did find that this worked like a charm.
  • If you use formula, ask your doctor about changing to one that is made for constipation or adding a little diluted prune juice to the formula.
  • Gently but firmly massage your baby’s tummy with your fingers for a few minutes.
  • Rice, bananas and even carrots can cause constipation in your baby so remove these from their diet and try ease the constipation with prunes or pears.
  • Over-the-counter stool softeners can help, but always speak to your doctor before administering them.

Ways you can help ease your baby’s constipation

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post and is based on personal experience and personal brand preference of the content author and has in no way been paid for or sponsored. BabyYumYum reserves the right to its opinions and fully supports the notion of promotion that breast is best in line with the World Health Organisation (WHO) infant feeding guidelines. Breast milk is the best food for infants. Good maternal nutrition is essential to prepare and maintain breastfeeding. If breastfeeding is not applied, an infant formula may be used according to the advice of health professionals. Preparation and storage of any infant formula should be performed as directed on the tin in order not to pose any health hazards.

NEXT READ: Baby constipation to diarrhoea: What to do!

FAQ’s on formula and baby’s constipation

What causes constipation in babies and how can formula help?

The Lily Rose Collection
The Lily Rose Collection

Constipation in babies can be caused by various factors such as diet changes, dehydration, or medical conditions. Certain formulas contain ingredients like prebiotics or fibre that can help soften stools and promote regular bowel movements, easing constipation.

How do I know if my baby is constipated?

Signs of constipation in babies include infrequent bowel movements (less than three times a week), hard or dry stools, straining during bowel movements, irritability, and discomfort. Consult your healthcare provider if you suspect constipation.

What should I look for in a formula to help with constipation?

Look for formulas labelled as “gentle” or “comfort” formulas, which often contain added prebiotics, fibre, or probiotics. These ingredients can aid digestion and promote softer stools, helping to alleviate constipation.

Can switching formula brands help relieve my baby’s constipation?

Switching to a formula specifically designed to ease constipation, with your healthcare provider’s guidance, can sometimes help. Always consult with a healthcare professional before changing formulas, as sudden changes can sometimes exacerbate symptoms.

How should I prepare formula to prevent constipation?

The Lily Rose Collection
The Lily Rose Collection

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for preparing formula carefully to ensure proper dilution and hygiene. Using water at the recommended temperature and mixing formula thoroughly can aid digestion and prevent constipation.

What role does hydration play in preventing baby constipation?

Ensuring your baby is adequately hydrated is crucial for preventing constipation. If formula feeding, offer water between feeds (after 6 months) as recommended by your healthcare provider to help soften stools and promote regular bowel movements.

Are there any foods or drinks I should avoid giving my constipated baby?

Avoid giving constipated babies foods or drinks that can worsen symptoms, such as dairy products (for infants with lactose intolerance), bananas, applesauce, rice cereal, and other low-fibre foods until symptoms improve. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalised advice.

When should I seek medical advice for my baby’s constipation?

Consult your healthcare provider if your baby’s constipation persists despite dietary changes or if you notice blood in the stool, severe abdominal pain, vomiting, or significant changes in feeding patterns or behaviour.

Can I use home remedies or supplements to relieve my baby’s constipation?

Home remedies like gentle tummy massages, bicycle leg exercises, or giving small amounts of prune juice (after 6 months) under medical guidance can sometimes help relieve mild constipation. Always consult with a healthcare provider before trying remedies or supplements.

How can I prevent constipation in my baby in the long term?

To help prevent constipation, ensure your baby’s diet includes adequate fluids (breast milk or formula) and age-appropriate foods rich in fibre, such as pureed fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, as recommended by your healthcare provider. Regular physical activity and ensuring a comfortable toileting environment can also support healthy bowel movements.


(1) Best Formula for Constipation: What Parents Should Know.
(2) Constipation and bottle feeding – Start for Life – NHS.
(3) Constipation in babies | BabyCenter.
(4) Constipation in Babies: Signs, Causes, and Cures – Parents.
(5) The Best Baby Formulas For Constipation (2024 Guide).
(6) Constipation in babies: Q&A | Baby & toddler, Your baby’s health ….
(7) Newborn Constipation in Formula-Fed Infants: What to Do – Healthline.
(8) 12 potential formula feeding problems and how to solve them.

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