Things to do with kids during loadshedding

by BabyYumYum
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things to do with kids during loadshedding
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Why not play a good, old-fashioned card game? It could be Old Maid, Go Fish or Uno. And if you get sick of playing those games you can use the same deck to build a house of cards. Win-win!

Identify the shape

Head outdoors into the fresh air and stare at the sky – ask the kids to spot different shapes like animals or household items in the stars. As an added bonus, this works just as well during the day when they can look for shapes in the clouds.

Have a dance party

When was the last time you put on a great song and just danced? Can’t remember? Your kids probably can’t either. Play a couple of great songs on your phone (hook it up to a power bank if you’re running low on battery) and you can even arrange a ‘prize’ for the winner. Alternatively, a game of musical chairs will be just as fun.

Read a book

Reading by torchlight is immediately elevated into an ultra-fun activity with the addition of a blanket or a tent – you can imagine you’re camping (even if you’re only in your lounge).

Baby Yum Yum things to do with kids during loadshedding - BabyYumYum

Haul out a photo album

Kids love looking at photos of themselves when they were little – whip out an old (printed) album and a torch or some candles. It will keep them (and you!) busy for hours.


If you’re already having a braai for supper, extend the fun by bringing out a bag of marshmallows to slow roast over the coals.

Build a fort

Forget about the cleanup and use your cushions, tablecloths, dining chairs and couches to build a fort in the dining or TV rooms. Yes, you’ll need to pack it all away in the morning but those memories will stay with you and the kids forever.

Put on a show

Got an old box? Cut a rectangle in it and use it as a ‘stage’ where you put on a puppet show (even if you just use the kids teddies). Bonus: it’s open-ended play that forces kids to use their imaginations.

Plan a treasure hunt

Hide something – it could be a packet of sweets, a small toy or similar – and draw up a map with clues leading the team to the hiding place. First person to find the treasure gets to keep it!

Take a sheet of paper

What could be simpler that a game of noughts and crosses or hang man? And it’ will’s likely to bring back great memories of your own childhood.

One, two, three, four…

… ‘I declare a thumb war!’ But forget it just being a war – imagine in family tournament with the ultimate winner getting a reward.

Listen to an audio book

This one will take some pre-planning so check the loadshedding schedule beforehand. Choose a family-friendly story that everyone will enjoy – and encourage your family to share their thoughts after each chapter or session.

The Lily Rose Collection
The Lily Rose Collection

Shadow puppet animals

All you need is a torch and your hands. If you’re a bit rusty on how to make the different, this demo from The Dad Lab will get you started.

Set up a picnic

Looking for a loadshedding-friendly meal? A blanket, fruit, cheese, crackers and cold meats are all you need for a memorable picnic dinner at home (out in the garden or in the lounge – the choice is yours). Plus, there’s probably less clean up needed than when setting the table. 

Futurelife Mothers Food Supplement for moms

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