As women, we’re born with all of the parts to create, nurture and give life, if we choose to. Yet, for some it's not that simple. Read on to understand more about PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome).
In a world where IVF and other fertility treatments are on the rise, so many of us are fighting for that right. I recently shared with my audience that I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). It’s a metabolic disorder that affects your hormones, insulin levels and subsequently, in some cases, your fertility. For many women, it’s a relatively quiet condition, whispering its existence in seemingly harmless ways which, depending on the observer, can be dismissed as “normal” or “nothing to worry about”.
This includes facial and body hair, irregular, absent or painful periods, acne and weight gain. Of course, there are more serious symptoms that can be lying beneath such as insulin resistance that can lead to diabetes, depression and infertility.
“It took 10 years and five different doctors to diagnose me with a condition that affects a significant number of women of childbearing age.”
I suspect that I’d been living with PCOS for more than 16 years before I was finally diagnosed with it six years ago. I knew from the age of 20 that something wasn’t quite right with my body, after noticing excess facial and body hair growing at age 16. It was a tell-tale sign of a hormonal imbalance, which was shrugged off as by many healthcare professionals.
It took 10 years and five different doctors to diagnose me with a condition that affects a significant number of women of childbearing age. I’m now 33, and blessed to be able to say that I’m a mother of a beautiful, healthy, adventurous and hilarious two-year-old boy.
Many of us spend our late teens and 20’s doing everything we can to prevent pregnancy. We’re bombarded with all types of messages, from family, media and society at large to do everything in our power to not get “knocked up”. The responsibility is always placed on the women. As much as it takes two to tango, unfortunately (and especially on this continent), many women are left to raise the babies themselves, with little or no help from said tango partner. In South Africa, more than 50% of children are growing up without a father.
Where are the babies?
All of a sudden, when the late 20’s hit, the questions start flooding in: “when are you getting married?” Then, barely after the honeymoon is over: “when are you having children?”
This is where it gets tricky, I think. We’ve been taught our whole lives to avoid pregnancy but when are we taught how to get pregnant? How to be more fertile? It’s wrongly assumed that it just happens, until we try and then possibly get told the disheartening news that it may take a while to get there, if at all.
I’m one of a few women who was diagnosed with my condition before I tried conceiving. And that only happened because my symptoms’ whispers became screams and didn’t stop until I found answers.
I have many women in my life who only found out about their fibroids, endometriosis or weak cervix when they were already married and ready to have a child. Finding out at that age, ranging from 28 to 35, doesn’t leave us with much time to give our bodies the relevant treatment, or recovery after surgery before realistically trying to conceive – now there’s a rush to conceive.
If there were more open conversations about preparing the body for pregnancy and checks and balances when something is off, it might save a couple from going through the heartache of not starting a family.
When I first found out about my PCOS, I was distraught. I felt like my body had betrayed me. Especially because there was still no concrete explanation as to why women like me suffered from it. My husband and I weren’t yet married, but had been together for a long time and knew that’s where we were heading.
I’m grateful that I had already found my guy. It was one less thing to focus my time and energy on. Not every woman is this fortunate, and I don’t feel that society has shared enough awareness or placed enough support systems for women in these scenarios. Imagine the devastation of being told repeatedly by family, media and even strangers that your only value as a woman is to bear children, yet your body isn’t on the same page.
I was on my doctor’s treatment plan for about a year and a half before I conceived my son. It involved taking the Pill to balance my hormones, before coming off it to try and conceive. If my doctor hadn’t prepared my body through a low-GI diet and exercise to help shrink my multiple cysts before, I doubt I would’ve fallen pregnant as soon as I did. Having said that, I don’t know how I’ll fare trying for our second baby.
Prevention is better than cure. Unfortunately, with some fertility conditions such as PCOS, there is no clear cause nor an absolute cure. It’s about managing the symptoms and reducing those that affect your likelihood of conceiving. I think getting a diagnosis and then treating the condition before trying to conceive is a sensible approach and will give a couple a head start on their baby-making journey. The alternative is finding out when you’ve already started trying, which can waste precious time.
If you feel that something isn’t quite right – your periods are extremely painful, you have excess body or facial hair, you have unexplainable weight gain or any other odd symptoms, please see a doctor. And if their answer doesn’t make sense to you, see someone else until you find answers. Fight for your right to conceive!
NEXT READ: 21 early signs of pregnancy

FAQ’s on PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
What is PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)? PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age. It can cause irregular periods, excessive hair growth, acne, and in some cases, difficulty conceiving due to ovarian cysts and hormone imbalances.
How common is PCOS? PCOS is one of the most common hormonal disorders among women of childbearing age, affecting approximately 1 in 10 women worldwide.
What are the symptoms of PCOS? Symptoms include irregular periods, excess facial and body hair (hirsutism), acne, weight gain, and in some cases, thinning hair on the scalp.
How does PCOS affect fertility? PCOS can disrupt ovulation and menstrual cycles, making it difficult to conceive naturally. Women with PCOS may also have higher rates of miscarriage.
Can PCOS be diagnosed early? PCOS is often diagnosed based on symptoms and medical history, but it can be challenging to diagnose because symptoms vary widely and can mimic other conditions.
What are the treatment options for PCOS? Treatment focuses on managing symptoms and may include lifestyle changes (diet and exercise), hormonal birth control to regulate periods, medications to stimulate ovulation, and in some cases, surgery to remove ovarian cysts.
How can lifestyle changes help manage PCOS? Adopting a healthy diet, regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight can help improve symptoms of PCOS and increase the chances of conceiving.
When should I seek medical advice if I suspect PCOS? If you experience irregular periods, excessive hair growth, unexplained weight gain, or difficulty conceiving, it’s important to see a healthcare provider for evaluation and diagnosis.
What support is available for women with PCOS who are trying to conceive? Fertility specialists can offer guidance on fertility treatments such as ovulation induction and assisted reproductive technologies (ART) to help women with PCOS conceive.
Where can I find more information and support about PCOS? There are many online resources, support groups, and healthcare professionals who specialise in PCOS. Seeking information and connecting with others who have similar experiences can provide valuable support and guidance
Discover natural ways to boost fertility and fall pregnant naturally. Simple lifestyle changes, nutrition advice, and proven tips to enhance your chances of conceiving.