Shopping for baby: what to buy & when

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Baby Yum Yum - Shopping for baby what to buy & when
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Congratulations, you’re pregnant! Those are some of the most exciting words a soon-to-be parent can hear – but it’s likely to cause a fair amount of anxiety, too. Why? Because becoming a parent, even if you already have a child, involves a lot of planning… and shopping.

Luckily, kitting yourself – and your home – out with everything you need for the arrival of your baby can be as easy as sitting down in front of your computer, visiting the George & Mason Baby store on and clicking ‘Add to cart’!

The added bonus is that you get door-to-door delivery (or you can collect from one of 70 Takealot Pickup Points), have many safe and easy ways to pay (including cash on delivery), 30-day hassle-free returns, and you can track your delivery every step of the way.

But how do you know when to start shopping for all your baby items? Here’s advice on what to buy, and when.

Welcome to the second trimester

Entering the second trimester is cause for celebration for most moms – not only does it usually signal that the exhaustion and nausea that’s so common in the first trimester is behind them, but many moms finally feel confident sharing their exciting news with family and friends.

By this stage, you may have started ‘showing’. As exciting as this stage is, your changing body can make it more difficult to get comfortable at night. The solution? A pregnancy pillow can offer back and belly support when you need it most, helping you to get a decent night’s rest – plus, it can double up as a feeding pillow once baby arrives. We love the George & Mason Baby Body Comfort Snuggle Pillow – Grey Tropical Leaves, R399, and Preggy Roll Pillow – Foliage, R299.

George & Mason baby body comfort snuggle pillow from takealot

George & Mason Preggy Roll Pillow

Planning your baby’s nursery

One of the biggest things you’ll need to tackle on your checklist is shopping for, and setting up, the baby‘s nursery. When should you start shopping for the nursery? Most expecting moms start to do this from around the 16 week mark. Ideally, you should aim to have the nursery set up and ready for your little one’s imminent arrival by week 32 of your pregnancy. This may seem early, but it’s best to be prepared because babies don’t always stick to the schedule you’ve assigned!

If you’re a first-time parent, the mountain of things you need to buy can seem incredible. It may be useful to separate items on your shopping list into ‘necessities’ and ‘nice-to-have items’.

George & Mason baby nursery

Baby nursery essentials

Some of the essentials you’ll need for the first few weeks and months include a crib, linen, a compactum or changing table, and a rocking chair. And, once you have the essentials sorted you’ll feel far more prepared for the journey ahead! We love the George & Mason Baby Retro Cot, R3 499, Tutto Chest of Drawers with wheels, R2 999, and the Waterproof Rocking Chair, R3 999.

George & Mason retro cot

George & Mason tutto chest of drawers with wheelsGeorge & Mason baby waterproof rocking chair

The Lily Rose Collection
The Lily Rose Collection

Baby nursery extras that are nice to have

If your budget allows for it, add a few special touches to your baby’s nursery in order to make it look and feel more welcoming – you’ll both be spending a lot of time there. Consider adding a colourful cot bumper, a cosy rug or eye-catching storage to help with speedy clean up. We love George & Mason Baby Cot Bumper – Foliage, R220, Comfort Bear Rug, R1 200, and Storage Bag – Pink Rainbow, R229.

George & Mason Cot Bumper FoliageGeorge & Mason Baby Comfort Bear RugGeorge & Mason baby storage bag pink rainbow

Having a baby shower

Most women have their baby shower 6 to 8 weeks before their expected due date. With your baby’s birth around the corner, friends and family may want to spoil you with a shower and it would help everyone if you put together a wish list of the baby products and items you still need for your little one.

Don’t be afraid to put big-ticket items on your list as often people will team up to purchase a gift together. Top of our wish-list are the George & Mason Baby Nappy Bag, R799, and Cot Mobile – Clouds, R499, and Baby Gym – Blush Woodlands, R650.

George & Mason Cot Mobile CloudsGeorge & Mason baby nappy bagGeorge & Mason Baby Baby Gym Blush Woodlands

Be sure to add plenty of smaller, more affordable items to the gift list, too. There are some things you can never have enough of, like Hooded Baby Towels, 100% Cotton Muslins, Polycotton Burp Cloths, Polycotton Bibs, Teethers With Blankie. When you’re dealing with the inevitable spills and smears that come along with having a newborn, you’ll be grateful that you have more than one of each!

Remember to add items that will make day-to-day caring for the baby a little easier, like a Baby Bath Booster, R249, Polydot Blue Nappy Stacker, R279, Baby Play Mat – Jungle Fun, R399.

George & Mason Baby Bath BoosterGeorge & Mason Baby nappy stackerGeorge & Mason Baby Baby Playmat Jungle Fun

The Lily Rose Collection
The Lily Rose Collection

Packing your hospital bag

If you’re having a hospital birth, you’re likely to spend two or three days on the ward with your new arrival and a well-packed hospital bag can make all the difference to how comfortable you are. When you pack your hospital bag – it should be ready by the time you are 36 weeks pregnant – in addition to clothing and toiletry items for both you and baby, pack a few extras that might make this time a little easier and more enjoyable, like the George & Mason Baby Swaddle Wrap, R229, Cellular Cotton Receiving Blanket, R129, and Mummy Nursing Pillow, R99.

George & Mason Baby Swaddle WrapGeorge & Mason Baby Cellular Cotton Receiving BlanketGeorge & Mason Mummy Nursing Pillow

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