“I am ready to have kids soon” – Lungile Duma dishes on her road to becoming Mrs. Mahlangu

by Goodwill Thomo
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Lungile Duma dishes on her road to becoming Mrs. Mahlangu
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Embarking on the journey of starting your own family is a rewarding and fulfilling experience filled with immense happiness and love. This sentiment rings true for actress Lungile Duma, who is ready to start of her own family soon. Written by Goodwill Thomo.

Duma rose to fame after she scored the role of Zithulele in the immensely popular show, Adulting. Since then, she has captivated and won over the adoration of countless fans, establishing a firm place in their hearts.

In this interview for BabyYumYum, Duma opens up about her career in the limelight and her desire to start her own family soon.

Who is Lungile Duma?

Lungile Duma is a rural-born girl from Bulwer in Kwazulu-Natal. I was raised by my grandmother who sacrificed everything for me to become the woman I am today. I’m very proud of my culture and my origins. I believe in staying true to myself at all times and being authentic in everything I do. I genuinely love taking care of myself and always look forward to my self-care appointments. I prioritise my peace at all times.

What is one of your most cherished memories from childhood?

It has to be my grandmother. She had a significant impact on my upbringing. I used to like how she would love me and take care of me. She taught me discipline and I know when I look back, I smile because she did a great job.

Where did you pursue your education and what were your interests during your childhood years? 

When I finished primary school, my grandmother took me to a catholic boarding school where I finished high school. After that, I went to the Durban University of Technology (DUT) to study child and youth psychology. Because my grandmother valued education greatly, I knew that I would pursue a decent career. I have always been interested in psychology. My interests were different though because I liked modelling and the spotlight. I would enter modelling competitions a lot.

How have your parents shaped the person you are today and what valuable life lessons have you gained from their influence?

I was raised by my grandmother, so I never had the opportunity to stay with my mother or father. They had their own lives, so the parent that I knew was my grandmother. I believe she played a big role in shaping the woman that I am today. She had a significant impact on my life because she was the only person who taught me things.

Lungile Duma

What makes you happy in life?

I enjoy being organised and having my life in order. I like being on top of things and having peace as well. I prioritise a lot for my peace. I like chasing my dreams, being busy, growing, and becoming a better person every day.

You are passionate about child and youth psychology. Tell us more about that.

I have been good at listening to people’s problems, funny enough. I have always been a mature girl from a young age, which made me understand things well and relate to people well. I like the idea of listening to and advising people. When I finished my matric, I knew that I wanted to study psychology and help people mentally.

What has been your greatest accomplishment? 

My greatest accomplishment has to be landing a role in Adulting because as much as I knew that I loved acting, I just never thought that I would be part and parcel of a huge show like that. I am just a girl who comes from rural areas. When you see the place where I come from, you won’t think that a girl from there can make it to be in such a huge show.

When did your passion for acting begin?

I have always had a passion for acting and storytelling, which began at a young age when I would imitate characters from school when I came home. My interest in storytelling has always been strong.

What sets you apart from the character you portray in Adulting of Zithulele?

Zithulele is kind, family-oriented, and loving, just like me. We both value the ability to juggle life and family responsibilities. However, we differ in how we handle difficult situations, as I do not tend to bear things like she does.

The Lily Rose Collection
The Lily Rose Collection

What do you do when you are not on set?

I make sure to set aside time for myself. Taking care of myself is a top priority, and I enjoy practicing self-care activities like skincare, reading, finding peace, and exercising.

What motivates you in your personal and professional life?  

 It has to be me. Unfortunately, I don’t have the luxury of relaxing and thinking that someone is going to take care of me and save me. I don’t have that. I rely on myself, and I know every day that I need to wake up and do better. So, that’s the motivation that I get. Also, it’s the motivation for where I come from. I often remind myself that now that you have climbed the ladder, you need to continue working hard.

What challenges have you experienced in your craft?  

I think it’s a matter of having to go to auditions to get a new role. A year can end with you attending auditions, but not booking any jobs. That’s a challenge in the industry because you can see that they are impressed with your work, but you wait for a callback and don’t get any, and they end up choosing the most well-known actors. Sometimes, the industry shows biases and favouritism by choosing people based on personal connections or friendships, rather than their abilities.

What are your highlights in the industry thus far? 

The highlight of my experience has been the unexpected and overwhelming amount of love I have received, which has been incredibly humbling.

Lungile Duma

Can you tell us more about the time when you husband paid Lobola? 

I have always known that I wanted to be a wife one day, but I was very picky. I knew that I needed to be picky because I have never been the type to just say yes to anyone. I wanted to marry someone that I love and have a choice in. So, when I met my husband, I knew that I had finally met the man that I had been wanting for all these years. God gave me exactly that. It didn’t take me long to realise that this was the man I had been waiting for. On certain occasions, when you pray for something, it occurs.

There was a moment in my life when I felt like relationships were not for me because I was not getting the results I wanted. When I least expected it, God gave me my husband. So, when we met, we dated for a year, and we started talking about taking things to the next level. I couldn’t be happier because I have always known that if there’s anything in my life that I would not settle for, it’s relationships and marriage. I knew that I would never get married to someone just for the sake of getting married.

I knew that I wanted a husband that I loved. I never wanted to compromise when it came to that part. God gave me the type of man that I’ve had in my mind for years. It’s been a beautiful experience to see our families come together and support our love.

The Lily Rose Collection
The Lily Rose Collection

How did you meet him?

When I met him for the first time, it wasn’t love at first sight. I think it was how he approached me. He didn’t come to me and say, “You are beautiful, I would like to get to know you.” He just wanted to have a conversation.

During the conversation, he just wanted to know deep information about my upbringing. He is a man who knows what he wants. He has his life together and is doing well in the corporate industry.

Tell us more about him. What brings you joy regarding him? 

It’s the way he loves me. It’s the type of love that I used to dream about or watch in movies. The way he treats me, even when we are out at a restaurant, random strangers would come to me and tell me how much my husband adores me. When we are together at home, he makes me laugh, he’s loving, and caring, and opens up my personality as well. I go to bed happy every day.  Yes, we have times when certain things need to be fixed, but we never go to bed angry at each other. How he addresses things is kind.

Are you planning on having children soon?

Yes, I so intend to have kids very soon. Now that I am in the stage of being a wife, I want to fulfil the duties of being a wife. I want to do it and get it done. We are in the process of starting a family so that I can focus fully on my career.

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