Reading Time: 3 minutesMany people have heard of the Biochemic Tissue Salts and may …
Elana Sissison, BodyTalk practitioner & complementary health expert
Elana Sissison, BodyTalk practitioner & complementary health expert
My name is Elana Sissison and I live in Johannesburg, South Africa. From a young age, I have always been passionate about holistic health and wellbeing. Take me to any bookstore and I will instantly head off to the section on mind-body, psychology, and healing, eager to flip through the latest books to expand my knowledge. I guess it's food for my soul! However, it was only later in my life that I chose to embark on formal studies that focused on. This solidified my understanding and appreciation of what holistic healing really is. I don't believe a person can truly heal without addressing the interplay of the emotional, psychological physical, and spiritual aspects.