30 Weeks Pregnant: Baby’s Growth and What to Expect

by BabyYumYum
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Baby Yum Yum - Pregnancy at 30 weeks
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Congratulations—you’re 30 weeks pregnant! Your baby at 30 weeks will now be the size of a cabbage. They are about 41cm from the top of their head to their heel (crown-heel length) and weigh approximately 1.4kg. Their brain is developing at an incredible pace, and their eyesight is improving, although it will remain limited until after birth. You may also feel stronger and more frequent movements as your baby continues to grow.

30 weeks pregnant is how many months? 7 months! You only have 2 more to go, give or take a week or two. 

30 weeks pregnant baby weight and size compared to vegetable

At this stage, you might experience symptoms like heartburn, swelling, or fatigue. Staying active with light exercises, eating smaller meals, and elevating your feet when resting can help ease discomfort. Let’s take a closer look at what to expect at 30 weeks pregnant and share some tips to support you through this milestone.

Your baby at 30 weeks

Your belly is increasing in size, with your baby getting bigger and bigger each day. Babies at 30 weeks start focusing more on weight gain than in previous months. This means their wrinkly skin starts to lessen as they plump up nicely for survival in the outside world. 

If you’re wondering what to expect at 30 weeks pregnant, here are the key developments that your 30-week foetus will be going through. 

Brain development

Other than your little one’s cute baby fat coming in, another thing growing rapidly at this stage of pregnancy is your baby’s brain. Up to this point, their brain surface was somewhat smooth. From 30 weeks on, it starts to take on even more characteristic grooves and indentations. 

These changes allow their tiny brains to hold more tissue and cells. This is essential for their adaptation to life outside of your womb.  


Your baby has probably been getting hiccups for a while at this stage – they are most common in the third trimester. These rhythmic movements are contractions of the respiratory muscles and are an important part of growth as they stimulate brain development. 

Lanugo is disappearing

At this stage, your baby’s brain and new fat cells are helping to regulate their body temperature. This means that the fine layer of hair on their body (lanugo) is no longer needed. While most of it will disappear before birth, some babies are born with a bit of this ‘fur’ on their back, ears, and shoulders.  

ALSO CHECK OUT: Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

Your body at 30 weeks pregnant

Your body is going through many noticeable changes to accommodate your rapidly growing foetus in your third trimester. You may start to get some of the symptoms you experienced in early pregnancy again. Whether this is the case, or you’re one of the lucky unaffected ones, it is normal. 

The Lily Rose Collection
The Lily Rose Collection
  • Heartburn. Feeling like you have a hot flame thrower in your chest is one of the most common and uncomfortable pregnancy ailments. Your food and digestive juices push up into your throat and chest, assisted by your ever-growing uterus. This makes for the perfect fiery combo. Want to know how to combat this? Avoid spicy, fatty, and acidic foods, and consume smaller meals at a time. You should also avoid lying down directly after eating.
  • Braxton Hicks. If you feel an uncomfortable tightness in your abdomen, you may be experiencing what is called Braxton Hicks or practice contractions. These are a sign that your body is practicing for labor and gearing up for the big day.They can become stronger as your due date draws near and often occur later in the day, especially if you’re tired or dehydrated. Unlike actual labor contractions, Braxton Hicks are irregular and infrequent and should decrease when you change positions.
  • Stretch marks and itchy skin. As your belly grows and expands, your skin is becoming increasingly stretched. This results in dryness and itchiness. Gently apply oil or moisturiser to help with this and stay well-hydrated. It’s also helpful to eat Vitamin C-rich foods (citrus, carrots, sweet potato, leafy greens) to keep toned skin and focus on nutrition so as to avoid sudden bursts of weight gain.
  • Edema. If you’re noticing that it’s getting harder to tie your shoelaces or simply fit into your shoes at all, it’s likely that you have the very common pregnancy symptom of edema. This is the medical term for the swelling of your feet, hands, and ankles due to the increased blood flow and excessive water retention during pregnancy. This can be uncomfortable but is totally normal. If you have experienced speedy weight gain, you may also see more swelling in your ankles. It may be time to hit the shops for some comfier shoes. You can also relieve swelling by kicking your feet up, staying hydrated, avoiding tight clothing, and doing some pregnancy-friendly exercises.

Taking care of yourself when 30 weeks pregnant

As you draw closer and closer to your due date, you may start to feel anxious. It’s important to pay attention to your health -mentally and physically, for both you and your baby’s benefit. 30 weeks pregnant

Here are some of the top tips and advice for taking care of yourself in week 30 of pregnancy:

  • Pay attention to your Calcium intake. Eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet is important for your baby’s growth in general. However, a specific nutrient to look out for is Calcium. This essential mineral helps build your baby’s bones and teeth. You need 1,000mg of calcium daily. It’s commonly found in foods like dairy, almonds, and dark leafy greens, or in the form of supplements.
  • Prioritise the Kegels. Doing Kegel exercises will strengthen your pelvic floor, which supports your uterus, bladder, and bowels. It also eases postpartum difficulties like haemorrhoids and urinary issues.Simply tense the muscles around your vagina as if you were stopping urine flow, and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat this in 3 sets of 20 a few times a day. These will serve you well in labor, birth, and postpartum life.
  • Use pillows to stay upright. Your growing baby will undoubtedly begin to push on your diaphragm to the point of leaving you breathless. You may find yourself feeling winded even after doing no physical exertion. The best way to combat this is to sleep in a semi-seated position. You can also use pillows to prop yourself up during the night. This will alleviate the shortness of breath and the possible heartburn you may be experiencing.

FAQs: 30 Weeks Pregnant – Baby’s Growth and What to Expect

How big is my baby at 30 weeks?

Around 30 weeks, your baby is typically about the size of a large cabbage, measuring roughly 39–40 cm from head to heel and weighing around 1.3–1.5 kg. However, every pregnancy can differ slightly.

What developmental milestones occur at this stage?

Your baby’s brain is growing at a rapid pace, and their eyes can open and close. The digestive and respiratory systems continue to mature, preparing for life after birth.

Which pregnancy symptoms might I experience at 30 weeks?

Common symptoms include backaches, pelvic pressure, heartburn, leg cramps, and increasing fatigue. You may also experience more frequent Braxton Hicks contractions as your uterus prepares for labour.

Is weight gain expected now?

Yes. Gradual weight gain is typical in the third trimester. If you’re concerned about how much weight you’ve gained, speak to your midwife or doctor for personalised guidance.

How can I manage lower back or pelvic pain?

Maintain good posture, perform gentle prenatal exercises like swimming or yoga, and use supportive cushions when sitting. If pain becomes severe, consult your healthcare provider.

What about Braxton Hicks contractions at 30 weeks?

They’re generally normal at this stage, often described as irregular tightenings that aren’t too painful. If they become regular, stronger, or painful, contact your midwife or doctor, as it could indicate preterm labour.

The Lily Rose Collection
The Lily Rose Collection

Should I feel stronger baby movements now?

Yes, your baby’s movements may become more pronounced, though they might also feel different as your baby grows and space becomes limited. If you notice a sudden decrease in activity, seek medical advice.

How can I cope with heartburn and indigestion?

Eating smaller, more frequent meals, avoiding lying down immediately after eating, and limiting spicy or fatty foods can help. If heartburn persists, discuss safe treatment options with your healthcare provider.

Is it safe to exercise at 30 weeks?

Light to moderate activity like walking or prenatal yoga is usually beneficial unless you have complications. Always follow your doctor or midwife’s recommendations for exercise during late pregnancy.

When should I consider packing my hospital bag?

Many people start preparing their hospital bag around 30–34 weeks, so it’s ready in case of an early arrival. Include comfortable clothing, toiletries, important documents, and items for the baby.

How do I deal with swelling in my feet or ankles?

Mild swelling is common, especially later in pregnancy. Elevating your feet, staying hydrated, and wearing comfortable shoes can help. If swelling is sudden, severe, or involves your hands or face, contact your midwife or doctor.

When should I call my healthcare provider?

Seek immediate advice if you experience strong or frequent contractions, heavy bleeding, severe pain, or a notable decrease in baby movements. It’s always better to check if you’re worried about anything.

Disclaimer: The information above is for general educational purposes and should not replace personalised medical advice. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional about any health concerns or questions related to your pregnancy.

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Click here for pregnancy at 31 weeks

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