The benefits of stimulation classes for babies and moms

by BabyYumYum
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Baby Yum Yum - The benefits of stimulation classes for babies and moms
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The first three years of a child’s life are the most critical in shaping their brain – children learn more quickly during their early years than at any other time in life. Stimulation during this period has a direct impact on how children develop learning skills, and social and emotional abilities.

The development of a baby’s brain in the first years of their life

Facts about the brains of under 3-year-olds according to Unicef:

  • Over 80% of your child’s brain is formed by the age of 3 years.
  • Up to 75% of the nutrition in a meal helps to build your baby’s brain.
  • 15 minutes of play can spark thousands of connections in your baby’s brain.

All children are unique but one of the great joys of parenting is nurturing and supporting developmental milestones. It is important to learn how to nurture your baby from birth, teach them how to feel safe and secure in the world and to encourage developmentally-appropriate growth. Unfortunately, there aren’t many parenting classes available, and parents often feel overwhelmed by the huge responsibility and a lack of knowledge.

Stimulation classes for moms and babies

At a baby stimulation class like Mothers & Miracles we create a space for mothers to spend quality time with their babies to help them understand their child’s development needs in a practical way, giving that child the best possible chance in life. Our all-round development programme at Mothers & Miracles is based on modern, sound psychological principles.

The programme works towards specific developmental abilities such as:

  • Size concept.
  • Grouping and formation of cognitive structures.
  • Early numeracy and language formation.
  • Fine motor skills, such as the pincer grasp.
  • Gross motor skills.

All this is achieved in a concrete, fun way. It also helps parents realise that playing with their child can be constructive, as well as imaginative and exciting. Babies are always looking for something new and, although their development may seem slow to a grown up, the rate at which they learn and categorise vast quantities of information is mind blowing.

ALSO READ: Why messy play is important for your child’s development & 5 activities to try

Moms need support too

Mothers of young babies often feel isolated and overwhelmed, and a stimulation class is important for the mother as well. It creates a time to get out and gain confidence in handling their child and understanding their baby’s capabilities.

Investigate and join a group close to you that meets your needs. Apart from the fact that babyhood is often the time when the parents are most intensely involved with their child, it is also the time when the child is at its peak for absorbing knowledge.

Article by Danielle Petzer of Mothers & Miracles Highlands North. For more information, email Danielle on

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