24 Weeks Pregnant: Baby’s Growth and Key Milestones

by BabyYumYum
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Baby Yum Yum - Pregnancy at 24 weeks
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Congratulations—you’re 24 weeks pregnant! Your baby is now about the size of a corn on the cob, weighing around 600 grams and measuring roughly 30 cm long. Their little lungs are developing, and they’re practising breathing movements, preparing for life outside the womb. You may also notice more pronounced kicks as they get stronger each week.

You are now 6 months pregnant, only 3 more months to go! 

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At this stage, you might experience new symptoms like mild swelling or increased appetite, which are all part of your body supporting your growing baby. Staying hydrated, eating balanced meals, and getting enough rest can help you feel your best. Let’s explore what to expect at 24 weeks pregnant and how to navigate this exciting phase.

Your baby at 24 weeks 

The foetus at 24 weeks is definitely making themselves known with more frequent and intense movements. Slowly but steadily they are putting on weight and getting stronger each day. 

Here are the key developments your little one is going through during week 24:

Your baby’s body

Your baby’s face now has eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair. Will they be a brunette, a blond, or a redhead? It’s too early to tell right now. Their hair is white since it doesn’t contain pigment just yet. 

They also don’t have many fat deposits yet and their skin is transparent. If you could see into the womb, you’d be able to examine all of their tiny organs, bones, and blood vessels. 

Don’t worry, by the time they’re ready to make their big debut they’ll be much more plump and opaque. 

Hearing development 

A 24-week foetus is starting to hear all sorts of different sounds. From inside the womb, they are listening to your lungs exhaling air, your tummy rumbles, and your heartbeat. 

From outside the womb, they are beginning to recognise you and your partner’s voice. Loud noises are also able to be detected, like horns hooting, dogs barking, and sirens. They may even start to react to the sounds they hear. 

Premature birth

If born prematurely, a 24-week foetus is able to survive outside of the womb, although it would need a lot of help. Their survival rate is placed between 60 and 70%. 

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The Lily Rose Collection

Their body is not ready to cope in the outside world on its own and they would be placed in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for a lengthy stay. 

ALSO CHECK OUT: Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

Your body at 24 weeks pregnant 

24 Weeks Pregnant - Baby Yum YumTowards the end of your second trimester, pregnancy symptoms become increasingly noticeable. Your body is going through all sorts of changes to accommodate your growing fetus. 

Here are some common symptoms to look out for when pregnant at 24 weeks:

  • Round ligament pain. This common pregnancy symptom feels like a sharp sensation or jabbing feeling on one of both sides of your abdomen or hip area. It’s spurred on by the ligaments around your uterus being stretched and strained to accommodate your growing belly. If the pain becomes too intense, however, or it’s followed by other symptoms, such as bleeding, contact your healthcare provider.
  • Back pain. Another not-so-nice pregnancy but common and normal symptom is back pain. As your baby bump grows, your uterus presses against your spine, causing it to strain. Also, your back muscles are working extra hard to support more weight. And on top of that, pregnancy hormones, like relaxin and progesterone, are causing your ligaments to relax.
  • Growing belly. Your stomach is going through lots of changes these days. At 24 weeks pregnant, you’ve probably started to notice that your belly button is looking a bit different. As your uterus expands, it forces your abdomen forward. This can cause your belly button to look more flat than normal. Starting at around 26 weeks, it could turn from an innie to an outie. The Linea Nigra is the dark line that appears on some pregnant bellies owing to hormones. It runs down the centre of the stomach and becomes more pronounced as pregnancy progresses.
  • Stretch marks. Developing stretch marks during pregnancy is very common. You could start to notice them popping up as early as 13 weeks, although they are more common in the late second, or third trimester. They range in color, from light pink, purple, and red, to yellow, tan, or sometimes brown. The good news is, some stretch marks don’t stay forever. As your skin slowly starts to repair, they can fade over time.

Taking care of yourself when 6 months pregnant 

Taking care of yourself when 6 months pregnant  - Baby Yum YumPaying attention to both your mental and physical health during pregnancy is very important. It benefits both you and your baby.

Here are some helpful reminders and useful tips for taking care of yourself during week 24 of pregnancy: 

  • Pay attention to protein. Incorporating protein into your daily diet is crucial for your baby’s growth and development. During pregnancy, your protein needs increase; you need about 25 extra grams per day. Good sources include lean meat, fish, and eggs. If you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, beans, legumes, nuts, and soy products are excellent sources of protein – they also contain plenty of other beneficial nutrients.
  • Kegel exercises. It’s never too early to start going kegel exercises during pregnancy. These pelvic floor strengthening “workouts” tone the muscles that support the uterus, bladder, and bowels. Simply squeeze the muscles around the vagina for 10 seconds, then slowly release. Repeat in repetitions of 20, about five times a day. By doing these exercises, you will be better able to control these muscles during labor and birth.
  • Keep moving. The second trimester is the perfect time to get into the habit of exercising every day. Around 24 weeks is the sweet spot where you still have energy and your bump isn’t too big just yet. Walking, swimming, and low-impact weight training are all great workouts that don’t place too much strain on your joints. Other activities that are generally considered safe during pregnancy are prenatal pilates, pregnancy-safe yoga, and stationary indoor cycling.

FAQs: 24 Weeks Pregnant – Baby’s Growth and Key Milestones

How big is my baby at 24 weeks?

Around 24 weeks, your baby is roughly the size of an ear of corn, measuring about 30–32 cm in length (head to heel), and weighing approximately 600–700 grams. These numbers can vary slightly from one pregnancy to another.

What developmental milestones occur at this stage?

Your baby’s lungs are maturing, and they may begin producing surfactant, which helps the lungs inflate after birth. They’re also refining their senses, particularly hearing, and can respond to sounds outside the womb.

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The Lily Rose Collection

Can my baby survive if born at 24 weeks?

While 24 weeks is considered the threshold of viability for many healthcare systems, survival rates at this stage are still relatively low compared to full-term. Babies born this early require specialised care in a neonatal intensive care unit.

What pregnancy symptoms are common at 24 weeks?

Some women experience Braxton Hicks contractions, mild swelling (particularly in the feet or ankles), heartburn, and occasional back or pelvic pain. Shortness of breath can also occur as the uterus expands.

How can I manage pelvic or back pain at 24 weeks?

Light exercise such as swimming or prenatal yoga, using a pregnancy support belt, maintaining good posture, and sleeping with a supportive pillow can all help alleviate discomfort. Seek medical advice if pain becomes severe or persistent.

Is weight gain expected at this point?

Yes. A steady weight gain is normal, although it varies between individuals. Your midwife or doctor can guide you on a healthy range based on your pre-pregnancy weight and overall health.

How often should I feel the baby move?

You’ll likely feel regular movement throughout the day, though your baby will also have rest periods. If you notice a significant decrease or are worried about activity levels, contact your healthcare provider.

What should I focus on in my diet at 24 weeks?

Nutrient-dense foods remain crucial. Incorporate fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and dairy (or alternatives). Prioritise key nutrients such as iron, calcium, and folic acid. Stay hydrated and limit high-sugar or highly processed foods.

Is it safe to keep exercising?

In most cases, yes. Low-impact activities like walking, prenatal yoga, and swimming can support physical and mental wellbeing. Always check with your healthcare provider for personalised advice, especially if you have any complications.

Should I have any particular tests around 24 weeks?

Many women undergo a glucose tolerance test between 24 and 28 weeks to screen for gestational diabetes. Your healthcare provider will advise you on timing and any additional tests needed.

What is the fundal height, and why is it measured now?

The fundal height is the distance from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus. Healthcare providers often measure it starting around 20 weeks to track your baby’s growth and monitor your pregnancy’s progress.

When should I contact my midwife or doctor?

Reach out if you experience severe pain, significant swelling, heavy bleeding, or a noticeable reduction in baby movements. Any unusual symptoms that worry you should be discussed with your healthcare professional for reassurance and guidance. 



Click here for pregnancy at 23 weeks

Click here for pregnancy at 25 weeks

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