The things that go through moms minds while breastfeeding…

by Tshepy Matloga-Malope
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Reading Time: 2 minutes
Rest and comfort are an integral part of successful breastfeeding. We talk to 5 ladies about what they think about while breastfeeding… by Tshepy Matloga

Iman, 32 years old, first-time mother

” I like to use breastfeeding time to bond with my baby, so I usually just think about how cute and precious she is. Sometimes I also think about my to-do-list for the day or what I am going to cook for dinner, but mostly I just focus on enjoying the moment with my little one”

Puleng, 36 years old, mother of twins

“Breastfeeding my twins is a logistical nightmare, so I mostly think about how to position them in a way that is comfortable for everyone. I also try to keep track of who last ate and for how long. It is a lot to juggle, but I feel proud when I’m able to make it work.”

Grace, 26 years old, mother of two

“I use breastfeeding to catch up on TV shows or listen to my favourite podcasts. It’s a good way for me to stay entertained while I sit there. I do stay focused on my baby too to make sure she is latching right, but I do think it is important to take care of myself and have fun too.”

Warona, 27 years old, first-time mother

“I often think about how tired I am and how I wish I could get more sleep. I also worry about whether my milk supply is good enough, whether my baby is getting full, and whether I have the means to increase my supply. It can be stressful at times, but I remind myself that stress is not good for my milk supply, so I take deep breaths and stay calm.” Baby Yum Yum The things that go through moms minds while breastfeeding - BabyYumYum

Letty, 33 years old mother of two

“To be honest my mind just wonders around, I can’t really say there’s anything specific I concentrate on unless on nights where I am tired and I get upset that the father is sleeping peacefully and here I am, bracing the cold feeding an eight months old baby”


At BabyYumYum, we wholeheartedly support the beautiful journey of breastfeeding. However, we also understand that life has a way of throwing unexpected surprises our way. Moms may need to return to work or face other circumstances that make exclusive breastfeeding challenging. That’s why we embrace formula feeding too. So whether you choose to breastfeed exclusively or opt for formula feeding, rest assured that at BabyYumYum, your choices are respected and supported with utmost care and understanding
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